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2016.  The Senior Project is a graduation requirement that all students in Appoquinimink School District must complete.

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1 2016

2  The Senior Project is a graduation requirement that all students in Appoquinimink School District must complete.

3  You will be assigned a reader.  Everything you turn in, will be turned in to your reader and/or advisor.  Everything they return to you should be put in a 3- ring binder that makes up your portfolio.  You will be presenting your project to your reader and at least one other faculty member.  If you do well, you may be presenting to a panel of scholarship judges.

4  By the time you are done your senior project, you will have completed:  A parent letter  A Topic Approval form  A written component which includes on introduction of your project and background research on your topic  A resume  A reflection on your research and product development  A product  A presentation  A portfolio

5  The topic approval form lets your reader know what you are planning to research and hope to do for a product.  Topic approval form and parent notification letters are due during the next advisory – May 12 th

6  Your written component is done towards the end of your project.  The written component has 5 parts:  The introduction (1/2 to 1 page)  The background research (5 pages)  Reflection on experience and Results (3 pages)  Works cited (1 page)  Works cited is due with your background research

7  You will be completing background research on your topic and writing a report on this research.  Your report should be 5 pages  You should have 5 quality sources cited in your background research  Your works cited page should be completed using APA format  A rough draft of your introduction, research and works cited will be due at the end of September 2015 with the final draft due in December 2015

8  You have a choice of what type of product you are going to complete:  Service learning  Creative product  Research paper

9  Service Learning –  complete 50 volunteer service hours with an organization;  You will need to have your hours completed before your scheduled presentation date  you will need someone at the organization to be willing to sign off on your hours on a log sheet or give you a certificate of completion for your hours  For example, you might do volunteer hours at the Gibby Center in Middletown

10  Creative project –  You can create a product related to your topic  For example: if you did a green energy topic, you might create a biodegradable cooler  OR, if you choose to do a type of cancer as your topic, you might be the captain of a Relay for Life team

11  Research paper –  9-12 page formal research paper about your topic; this will be separate from or in addition to the research in your written component  1 inch margins  9 quality sources, cited in the paper and on works cited page in APA format

12  In March, you will present your senior project to your reader and another evaluator.  Your presentation will include:  An introduction including your 4-year journey through high school  Information about your topic  Information about your product, how it was made and how it relates to your topic

13  The portfolio will contain all of the documentation you have collected for your project:  Table of contents  Resume  Topic approval form  Parent letter  Rough draft of your background research  The final draft of your written component  Documentation of service learning hours or product completion, if necessary

14  MARCH 24 th 2016  More detailed information including a manual about the project and rubrics for each section can be found on the Senior Project page of our website:

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