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Unit 8 Seminar The Literacy Continuum.  Learning Outcomes  Unit 8 Assignments  Literacy  Diversity in Reading Development  Final Project  Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 Seminar The Literacy Continuum.  Learning Outcomes  Unit 8 Assignments  Literacy  Diversity in Reading Development  Final Project  Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 Seminar The Literacy Continuum

2  Learning Outcomes  Unit 8 Assignments  Literacy  Diversity in Reading Development  Final Project  Questions

3 By the end of Unit 8, you should be able to 1. Identify diversities in reading development 2. Explain how Educational Paraprofessionals can address diversities in reading development 3. Explain how Educational Paraprofessionals can use student input to inform teaching practices 4. Identify challenges of a low-level reader and explain how paraprofessionals can assist and motivate low performing students

4  Complete Readings  View Web Resources  Watch Video  Respond to the discussion thread under Discussion  Either attend Seminar OR complete Seminar Option 2

5  Attitudes toward books  Behaviors with books  Letter and word recognition  Writing behaviors  Knowledge about nature and purposes of written language  Parents encourage by modeling and sharing literacy experiences

6  Hearing specific syllables within words  Dividing words into phonemes  Blending phonemes into words  Identifying words that rhyme

7  The developmental progression: identifying words in context identifying visual characteristics of letters using letters for phonological cues “sounding out” words recognizing words automatically  sight vocabulary

8  Awareness that reading involves making sense of text  Strategies for comprehending written material comprehension monitoring backtracking

9  Intellectual disabilities general learning disability sensory impairments reading disorders (e.g., dyslexia)  Gender girls tend to read better, enjoy it more  SES high-income families = more literacy-rich environments  Ethnic/Cultural emphasis on reading varies by culture  Language regular, predictable spelling patterns = easier to read

10  Help parents acquire storybook reading skills  Use meaningful activities  Encourage transfer of skills across languages  Identify and address problems early  Read interesting fiction and nonfiction  Conduct group discussions  Encourage use of a variety of media to interpret readings  Encourage reading outside of school

11  Provide examples of diversities in reading development.  According to the reading, what are ways the Educational Paraprofessional can address diversities in reading and promote reading development?

12  According to the article, "Motivating Low Performing Adolescent Readers", what are the challenges a low-level reader experiences?  How can Educational Paraprofessionals assist and motivate low-performing students?

13 Your Final Project is an opportunity for you to apply the knowledge and strategies you explored during the term. Choose ONE (1) of the following case scenarios to analyze from your text Child Development and Education:  Chapter 1: Tonya, p. 3 (Kindergarten)  Chapter 5: Cedric and Barbara, p. 63-64 (Family ties)  Chapter 9: Mario, p. 313 (Issues in ESOL)

14 Consider everything you have learned about the development of school-age students throughout the term. Use reading assignments, web resources, and videos from the entire course for information as well as related outside sources if you wish. For the case study you selected, address the following in essay form:

15 1. Describe the social/emotional, cognitive, and physical growth and developmental stage of the student in your case study (Hint: Determine the student's approximate age and return to your Unit 2 Developmental Milestone's Project as well as information provided in the case study.) 2. Explain how the student's situation in the case study is affected by these particular stages of growth and development. 3. Decide what, if any, biological and/or environmental factors have affected the development of the student in the case study. Support your decision and provide examples.

16 4. Imagine that you are an Educational Paraprofessional involved with the student in this scenario, and explain how you can apply educational development theories to the student. 5. Explain the ethical issues that apply to this case study (Review "The Code of Ethics of the Education Profession" that you read about in Unit 1 at the National Education Association Website: If the NEA code was violated, make suggestions about possible improvements. 6. Discuss your opinion on the outcome of this case study and make suggestions from an educational perspective on how you might improve the outcome.

17 Your response should be approximately 4-6 (total) typed, double-spaced pages, written in complete sentences, and organized into paragraphs. Be sure to adhere to APA manuscript style (refer to the Kaplan Writing Center for help) and to include: A title page (contains three items: a running head (a short version of the title) and page number, the paper's title, and the author's name) The paper itself, including in-text citations to support your essay A reference page (see the APA Quick Reference for help with citations)

18 Here are a few additional formatting standards to keep in mind: Use standard margins: 1" on all sides. Use standard 12-point font size, Arial or Times New Roman Use standard double-spacing: average of 22 lines per page, and between 20 and 24 lines per page. Use left-aligned text. Do not right-justify. There should be no subtitles or spaces between paragraphs within the paper.

19 Let’s talk about any items of confusion.

20 McDevitt, T. M., & Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Child Development and Education. Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc.

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