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Homelessness in Oakland County By: Emma H. & Olivia S.

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1 Homelessness in Oakland County By: Emma H. & Olivia S.

2 What Does It Mean To Be Homeless? defines it as: Persons who lack permanent housing. We define it as: – They have no proper food, shelter, or water. – In addition to that, they are very emotional. – They have no choice but to strive to do everything they can to support themselves and their family. – They usually have experienced tough times to get to the place they are today.

3 How Can We Help The Homeless In Our Community? We can donate to charities, such as: – Lighthouse of Oakland County – Gleaners Community Food Bank – Good Will – Salvation Army – South Oakland Shelter We can also volunteer at community service opportunities. If we ever see a homeless person try helping them out.

4 How Can We Help Homeless People Without Donating Operation Kid Equip, a program in Oakland County gives homeless children an opportunity to have a free education. Every donation does not need to be money or supplies. It can be a donation of your time and services: – If you are a doctor you can offer free services every once in a while. – If you are a teacher you can offer free tutoring lessons.

5 What Will Happen If People Do Not Help The Homeless? If homeless people receive no help they may have to resort to stealing from people in their area. This would make the neighborhood an unsafe place to live It would also mean that less people would have jobs in the community, making the economy in that area worse.

6 What Can YOU Get When You Help? Many charities offer special gifts, like a free t- shirt if you donate a certain amount You can also get a tax deduction from donating Most important of all..You get the feeling of self satisfaction that you helped someone!

7 Bibliography "Gift Selection Service." Children's Books, Gifts, Toys and Educational Games--B Is for Books. Web. 07 June 2012.. "Homeless." Web. 07 June 2012.. "Homeless, Not Hopeless." Homeless, Not Hopeless. Web. 07 June 2012.. "SOUTH OAKLAND SHELTER." Razoo. Web. 07 June 2012..

8 Thanks For Watching! We Hope You Learned A Lot!

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