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DAC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Presentation to the PC on Arts and Culture 8 September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "DAC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Presentation to the PC on Arts and Culture 8 September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Presentation to the PC on Arts and Culture 8 September 2015

2 2 CONTENTS  Introduction/Background.  Strategic Training Priorities for 2015/2016.  Priority Skills Identified.  Conclusion 2


4 4 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Human Resource Development (HRD) in the DAC is guided by the following regulatory frameworks: –Public Service Act & Regulations. –Skills Development Act and Skills Development Levies Act. –Departmental Human Resource Development Policy. DAC belongs to the Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority (PSETA). Fully functional Skills Development Committee (well represented – incl. Organised Labour). HRD Target as per the Annual Performance Plan for 2014/2015 was 500 training interventions: Target was exceeded by 27 (527). Total amount spent on training and development in the 2014/2015 financial year: R2,543,000 –Training: R1,844,000, Bursaries: R699,000: Total expenditure on HRD: Transfer to PSETA as per DPSA Directive: R630,000 (2014/2015). 4

5 5 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND (cont’d) 2015/2016 training and development budget: R2.219mil (centralised), representing 1% of the employee compensation budget. 2015/2016 Bursary budget (employees): R700,000. Total budget for workplace human resource development: R2.919mil. Annual Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) for 2015/2016 was compiled and submitted to the PSETA in May 2015. –Strategic training priorities were identified through the individual training needs of employees. –Personal Development Plans (linked to the PMDS) of employees inform the training needs. Annual Internship Programme for 2015/2016 was implemented in June 2015 (12 months): 30 Graduate- and 2 Student Interns. Audit was conducted within the DAC on potential ABET learners: No qualifying candidates. 5

6 6 STRATEGIC TRAINING PRIORITIES FOR 2015/2016 Derived from the strategic objectives and Personal Development Plans of employees: 6 STRATEGIC TRAINING PRIORITIES (2015/2016) Policy DevelopmentMonitoring and Evaluation Project ManagementForeign Language Training Financial ManagementCollections Management (Archives) Records ManagementRecords Preservation and Conservation Management DevelopmentCustomer Care Translation and EditingMentoring and Coaching Cartographic ManagementMuseum Curatorship Executive Management CoachingProject (Khaedu)

7 7 PRIORITY SKILLS IDENTIFIED FOR 2015/2016 OccupationPriority ReasonProjected staff to be trained Graphic Designer/CalligrapherRelative scarcity due to replacement demand7 Language Practitioner (Human Language Technology Absolute scarcity due to a new and emerging occupation. 3 7


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