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Challenging the current lambscape Scott Hansen Managing Director, Meat & Livestock Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenging the current lambscape Scott Hansen Managing Director, Meat & Livestock Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenging the current lambscape Scott Hansen Managing Director, Meat & Livestock Australia

2 Industry vision 2010-15 ‘Leading the supply of premium lamb and sheepmeat to the world’

3 Australia’s global lamb markets

4 Lamb production v carcase weight Source: ABS, MLA forecasts 9193959799010305070911f13f15f 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 '000 tonnes cwt 15 17 19 21 23 25 kg/head production carcase weight f = forecast

5 Considerations when selecting lamb 5 QA4. How important are each of the following when you are selecting meat? Freshness Price Nutritional value Animal is well-cared for (animal welfare) Being organic, free range Knowing where the animal was farmed or sourced Industry is sustainable (sustainability of the industry) Management of the land Amount of water used in its production Amount of greenhouse gases/emissions emitted during its production Environmental management 2010 (n=761) 2011 (n=1000) Source: Pollinate research January, 2011

6 Total fresh meat – price per volume Source: Neilson Australia Homescan

7 Top cuts around the globe Forequarter (JOR) – roast Shoulder (AUS and USA) – casserole Shank (AUS and USA) – casserole

8 Farm input costs Source: ABARES

9 We love our lamb Thank you

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