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1 Neptune and Company, Inc. Technical Guidance for Asbestos Risk in Soils Neptune and Company, Inc. Denver, CO

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1 1 Neptune and Company, Inc. Technical Guidance for Asbestos Risk in Soils Neptune and Company, Inc. Denver, CO

2 2 Neptune and Company, Inc. Many guidance documents available cover specific topics: –cancer potency factors related to dust inhalation, particulate modeling, dispersion processes for asbestos in soils, etc. Guidance that combines all of these topics does not exist –Results in the lack of a straightforward path for calculation of asbestos risk in soils –External review of risk calculations is therefore difficult and time consuming Background

3 3 Neptune and Company, Inc. No guidance available on statistical sampling design assuming a baseline risk threshold for asbestos –E.g., If assuming a 1E-06 risk, how many samples should a field team collect? –Why do sites fail if zero fibers are present? What method of sampling should be used? What about quality assurance/quality control? –Data Quality Objectives (DQO) process Background (continued)

4 4 Neptune and Company, Inc. Guidance that integrates all existing guidance together to aid risk assessors, contractors, consultants, and managers: –Neptune (2011) –Excel Workbook (example slides at end) Optimal sample size calculation Receptor-specific particulate emission models Pooled analytical sensitivity Receptor-specific risk calculation Solution

5 5 Neptune and Company, Inc. Berman and Crump (2003) –Treats amphibole and chrysotile fibers separately –Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) –Cancer risk from fibers: > 10 um in length < 0.4 um in width U.S. EPA (2002) –Particulate Emission Factor (PEF) models Guidance Follows…

6 6 Neptune and Company, Inc. Issues related to asbestos in soils Activity Based Sampling vs. Berman and Crump (2003) for characterizing risk Site assessment, analysis methods, sampling design, and quality control Sample size calculations Data validation steps for asbestos data Exposure concentration estimation Characterizing asbestos-related risk Guidance covers…

7 7 Neptune and Company, Inc. Risk Calculation Workbook Disclaimer: Screenshots of asbestos guidance spreadsheet are given as examples only.

8 8 Neptune and Company, Inc. Particulate Emission Factors Disclaimer: Screenshots of asbestos guidance spreadsheet are given as examples only.

9 9 Neptune and Company, Inc. Pooled Analytical Sensitivity Disclaimer: Screenshots of asbestos guidance spreadsheet are given as examples only.

10 10 Neptune and Company, Inc. Sample Size Calculation Disclaimer: Screenshots of asbestos guidance spreadsheet are given as examples only.

11 11 Neptune and Company, Inc. References Berman DW, Crump KS, (2003) Final draft: Technical support document for a protocol to assess asbestos-related risk. Prepared for Mark Follensbee, Syracuse Research Corporation, Syracuse, NY, and the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. USEPA #9345.4-06. Limited revision draft. Neptune and Company, Inc. (Neptune), 2011. Technical Guidance for the Calculation of Asbestos Related Risk in Soils for the Basic Management Incorporated (BMI) Complex and Common Areas. Prepared for Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. February 2011. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), (2002) Supplemental Guidance for Developing Soil Screening Levels for Superfund Sites, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response #9355.4-24, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

12 12 Neptune and Company, Inc. Questions? Contact our Denver office for more information: Dr. Michael Balshi ( Dr. Paul Black (

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