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1 MIIS IAM Nationwide Journey - MIIS & IAM. 2 Agenda 1.Introduction Original objectives Definition of terms 2.MIIS 3.IAM Introduction Definition Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MIIS IAM Nationwide Journey - MIIS & IAM. 2 Agenda 1.Introduction Original objectives Definition of terms 2.MIIS 3.IAM Introduction Definition Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MIIS IAM Nationwide Journey - MIIS & IAM

2 2 Agenda 1.Introduction Original objectives Definition of terms 2.MIIS 3.IAM Introduction Definition Approach Summarising 4.Route Map 5.Summary 6.Questions

3 3 Introduction – Original Objectives 1.Replace MMS with MIIS 2.Rewrite Central Database Stream-line source business systems Create new database with enhancements Provide modern access interfaces Comply with standards and compliance

4 4 Introduction – Definition of Terms Multiple stores of information which CID aggregates into a central repository for use by consumers Information on NBS employees, facilities, organisation structure, mandates, roles, skills, competencies, system information (TMS), etc. Business Area systems requiring corporate information in order to perform business operations Reference Information Sources Consumers CID An infrastructure to synchronise and make available the Society’s Corporate Reference Information

5 5 MIIS - Why we need MIIS Organic Growth Little control Duplication of effort HR System Branches Exchange Active Directory Meeting Rooms Other Employees 3 rd Parties Permanent Employee Data Contract Employee Data E-mail Data Branch/Area data Premises data (meeting rooms, etc) Permanent Employee Data 3 rd party data E.g. estate agents NBS White Pages NBS Outlets CRM System Applications Intranet MMS Duplication of data Unsupported software ad-hoc data sharing Source Systems Consumer Systems Information Files Duplicate

6 6 MIIS - Why we need MIIS Information Files Permanent Employee Data Contract Employee Data E-mail Data Branch/Area data Premises data (meeting rooms, etc) Permanent Employee Data 3 rd party data E.g. estate agents MIIS NBS Database NBS White Pages NBS Outlets CRM System Applications Intranet Consumer Systems Source Systems HR System Branches Authentication Authorisation Meeting Rooms Other Employees 3 rd Parties Branches Exchange Active Directory Meeting Rooms Other Employees 3 rd Parties

7 7 IAM - Introduction 1.Original Plan Replace MIIS Rewrite Central Database 2.Major Channel Development Programme Transaction accessibility across all system channels Members distribution Channels Customer Services 3 rd Party integration services 3.Architecture Strategy Group Realised significant business gains to be had by looking at the wider issues of password management and provisioning in conjunction with these initiatives……. hence our introduction to IAM

8 8 IAM - Defined Provides numerous concepts, techniques & solutions for use in our heterogeneous environment By combining our processes, technologies, & policies to manage the Society’s identities & specify how they are use to access out resource I dentity & A ccess M anagement What are the benefits that IAM initiatives should produce? What challenges must each initiative overcome? What are the specific organizational factors that must be addressed? What business & technology projects & solutions are necessary to support each initiative? Strategy Needs well defined answers to the following Clear benefits of what an improved IAM will bring the Society must be understood & identified Potential benefits must be balanced against the challenges of Implementing a technology solution A balance struck between expected benefits and complexities Of each solution Vision A clear management vision of IAM benefits

9 9 IAM - Approach ?

10 10 IAM - Approach ? 1.Microsoft workshops Related Business, Security & Technology areas 2.Established 3 main programmes Security Programme Central Reference Programme New Business Programme 3.Nationwide Workshops Microsoft Business Technology 3 rd Parties 4.Senior Management Boards Governing decision making bodies

11 11 IAM – summary Employee Partners Members Authentication Authorisation Security Programme New Business Programme Enable reduce sign on Reduced password resets Reduced ownership costs Reduced internal/external attacks Greater access to information Regulatory compliance Business Agility application redeployment MIIS HR System Branches Authentication Authorisation Meeting Rooms Other Employees 3 rd Parties Branches Exchange Active Directory Meeting Rooms Other Employees 3 rd Parties White Data NBS CRM System Intranet Central Reference Programme Central Data IAM initiatives are is more complex than most IT programmes – due to the diversity of identity, protocols, policies and procedures - governing bodies need to trust and work together Employee

12 12 Route map MIIS MMS Existing DB Extract Files Multi formats HR System Property Systems International 3 rd Parties Sources GABS Consumers New DB Web Services & Batch Interface GABS MIS CRM FST CATS/BOSS Static Data Channel MIS EWM Phone Book TXN ICRM 30 + others Existing Systems MIIS BCM 200520062007 Delivery Branch systems TMS Provisioning Authentication Security Programme MPOS

13 13 summary Employees 15000 Members 15000000 Suppliers 15000 Systems Realising business benefits through collaborative working The need to satisfy an increasing stringent regulatory framework Collaboration Bringing together workforces suppliers partners possible customers Protection More complex infrastructures & Enable Protection Enable Maintaining a balance

14 14 MIIS IAM Any Questions?

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