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DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 1 Corporate Audit and Compliance Department/DMC HR Departments Detroit Medical Center© December, 2008 DMC Guidelines on.

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Presentation on theme: "DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 1 Corporate Audit and Compliance Department/DMC HR Departments Detroit Medical Center© December, 2008 DMC Guidelines on."— Presentation transcript:

1 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 1 Corporate Audit and Compliance Department/DMC HR Departments Detroit Medical Center© December, 2008 DMC Guidelines on Employee Workplace Conduct & Violence

2 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 2 Work Place Conduct and Employment Practices This module is an expansion of the DMC Code of Conduct. Standard Six: “We are committed to creating a work environment in which employees, physicians and others are treated respectfully, fairly and afforded opportunities for professional development.”

3 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 3 Elements of Workplace Conduct Workplace Violence Harassment Diversity Ethics Code of Conduct

4 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 4 Element One: Workplace Violence Violent incidents in the workplace are fairly rare, but they have increased dramatically in the last 20 years Anyone can become the victim of workplace violence

5 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 5 Risk Factors Workplace violence among healthcare workers most often involves: A patient Another person (for example, a patient’s family member) A co-worker or former co-worker Delivery of goods or services Mobile workplace (vehicle) Working late at night or in early morning hours

6 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 6 Forms of Violence  Workplace violence may be physical; for example, pushing, hitting, kicking, beating, pinching, scratching, or biting  The violence may also be verbal and involve intimidation, “bullying”, or other inappropriate behavior

7 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 7 Guidelines  The warning signs of workplace violence may include:  Direct or veiled threats of harm  Intimidating, belligerent, harassing, bullying or other inappropriate/aggressive behavior  Conflicts with supervisor or other employees  The approved use of violence to resolve problems  Displays an interest in or identification with perpetrators of workplace violence  Bringing a weapon to the workplace  Making inappropriate references to guns or hobbies related to guns (target practice)

8 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 8 Guidelines If you are in immediate danger Signal for help from another person Remove others from the area Contact security Report all threats and/or potentially violent situations to: Your manager/supervisor Security (ID Badge has Emergency #s)

9 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 9 Guidelines  Your behavior has a tremendous impact on a possible violent individual:  Be courteous & patient  Stay calm  Speak slowly, quietly & confidently  Acknowledge the person’s feelings  Listen carefully & maintain eye contact  Keep the situation in your control  Get help if you are unable to control the situation  Remind the person of the consequences of their behavior  Point out choices helping the person see other ways

10 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 10 Guidelines  Avoid:  Standing directly opposite the person  Putting your hands on your hips  Crossing your arms or pointing fingers  Making sudden movements  Criticizing the person

11 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 11 Guidelines  Delaying Tactics  Ask the person what would improve the situation  Do not make promises  Suggest you go into a room where it is quieter (with no objects to be used as weapons)  We are in a hospital, please lower your voice  Position yourself near an exit  Keep three to six feet away from the person  Be aware of anything that the other person could use as a weapon  Never attempt to grab a weapon from the other person

12 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 12 Element Two: Harassment The DMC has zero tolerance for conduct that is harassing, abusive or offensive toward our employees, medical staff, affiliated persons, patients and visitors. As part of our commitment to provide a safe workplace, we will maintain a work environment free of misconduct that harasses, disrupts or interferes with an individual’s work, performance or creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile environment…

13 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 13 Harassment It is the policy of the DMC to maintain a work environment free of sexual harassment, including harassment based upon a hostile work environment The DMC prohibits and will not tolerate harassment or sexual harassment of its employees by managers/supervisors, co- workers, physicians, visitors, or other persons affiliated with the DMC NO DMC employee is allowed to harass or sexually harass non-employees

14 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 14 Preventing Harassment: Four Actions 1.Know the DMC’s harassment policies (DMC policies 1 HR 504 and 1 HR 511) 2.Conduct yourself in a professional manner 3.Be aware of how your behavior may impact others 4.Report problems immediately—Contact any of the following to report a problem: - Your manager/supervisor or their manager - Human Resources - Corporate Audit and Compliance Department - DMC Compliance Hotline: 1-800-8ETHICS

15 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 15 Element Three: Diversity There is great strength in the diversity that is a part of our history, as exemplified by our patients and employees How we respond to patients and to one another is part of respecting and building upon our diversity The delivery of each patient’s care is under observation by many individuals (patient, family, visitors, clergy, other staff, etc.); each may have a different perception of the care given

16 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 16 Diversity The DMC respects the uniqueness of each person We should assure that each person is treated with respect, dignity and courtesy Respect and consideration of a patient’s culture, religion or personal requests is considered when determining and carrying out the plan of care: Personal requests by patients and their family members are superseded by our obligation to deliver quality care

17 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 17 Element Four: Ethics Every DMC employee should use ethical behavior by: Avoiding conflicts of interest, actual impropriety and/or the appearance of impropriety Conducting all business with vendors, contractors and others free from inducements NOT soliciting or accepting anything of value from vendors Avoiding accepting elaborate meals, refreshments or entertainment from vendors

18 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 18 Ethical Behavior DO NOT use your position or knowledge obtained through your position to profit personally or assist others in profiting at DMC’s expense Ensure that NO Conflict of Interest exists, when business is conducted with any non-DMC company Disclose any potential Conflicts of Interest and obtain written permission from the appropriate DMC authority if a situation may be perceived as a conflict Report any suspicious activity

19 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 19 Element Five: Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct booklet: Provides guidance to ensure that our work is done in an ethical and legal manner Emphasizes the shared common values that guide our actions and helps resolve questions about appropriate conduct States failure to comply with the Code of Conduct is a serious matter and can lead to disciplinary action (up to and including termination)

20 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 20 Code of Conduct Following the Code of Conduct is mandatory for ALL DMC employees, staff and affiliated persons. While the Code of Conduct provides a basic description of unacceptable conduct or performance, it does not cover ALL behaviors that may occur in the workplace The Code of Conduct has nine standards For more on the Code of Conduct, visit the Corporate Audit and Compliance Web Page Also, you may call the Corporate Audit and Compliance Department at: 1-313-993-0317

21 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 21 DMC Compliance Hotline The DMC Compliance Hotline is offered to employees as a way to report suspected compliance violations when normal channels of communication are ineffective. DMC Compliance Hotline: 1-800-8ETHICS Untraceable; anonymous Available 7 days a week/24 hours a day

22 DMC Workplace Conduct & Violence 22 Summary We hope this NetLearning course has been both informative and helpful. Feel free to review this course until you are confident about your knowledge of the material presented. Click any of the following menu selections located on the left side of the screen: Take Test button to complete the requirements for this course My Records button to return to your CBL Courses to Complete list Exit button to close the Student Interface

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