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November 13, 2013.  Middle School v. High School  Establish Independence  Self-Advocacy  Take Responsibility  Student Handbook/Policies.

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Presentation on theme: "November 13, 2013.  Middle School v. High School  Establish Independence  Self-Advocacy  Take Responsibility  Student Handbook/Policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 13, 2013

2  Middle School v. High School  Establish Independence  Self-Advocacy  Take Responsibility  Student Handbook/Policies

3  Stress Management  Coping Skills  Asking for help  How much is too much?!  Prioritize  Pursue your interests

4  Best fit  Process for next year starts in Winter  Vocational School

5  Transcript  GPA  Testing:  SAT, ACT, AP’s/Subject Tests, HSPA  Get Involved  Work Study  College:  Naviance, College Center, Make Contact

6  PSAT- Pre- SAT  Administered to 10 th & 11 th in October  Results in December  PLAN- Pre- ACT  To be administered to 10 th in March  Test Optional Schools 

7  Do what interests you  Commitment v. Resume Building  Visit the GRHS website for a complete list of athletics and activities.

8  Student Government/ Key Club: Catie Rosen  Male Athletics: John Winchell  Female Athletics: Maggie Moriarity  Band: Lolly Kruse  Drama/ Sharing The Arts: Catherine Geller  EMT: Danny Mueller  Newspaper/Literary Magazine: Emory Younger  Model UN: KC Dressing  Girls Learn International: Olivia Mason  Gay/Straight Alliance: Mary Lisanti  Peer Leadership: John, Lolly, Danny, Olivia

9  Making sense of it all  We see the contradiction  Our job is to help you and your child navigate…  Questions?

10  Lindsey Deptula  Jill Landgraber  Steve Ward  Heather Kobylinski

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