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A Godly Mother One of life’s greatest blessings is to be a godly mother.

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2 A Godly Mother

3 One of life’s greatest blessings is to be a godly mother.

4 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14-17

5 1. Godly moms have a genuine faith. (1:5)

6 “not hypocritical”

7 This is important because children can smell phoniness a mile away!

8 “Reality with God” means that you see yourself as your really are-as God sees you.

9 Charles Stanley suggests some ways you can be genuine before your children:

10 Read your Bible regularly before them.

11 Let them hear you praying to Jesus.

12 Trust God to meet your needs and talk about it.

13 Ask for God’s help to be an obedient follower.

14 Be forgiving toward others.

15 Be persistent in allowing God to work His will in your life.

16 Do the right thing according to the Scriptures.

17 Have a servant spirit.

18 Be an encourager.

19 Love unconditionally.

20 Only way to accomplish these is to humble yourself before Him and ask for His Spirit to work IN you and THROUGH you.

21 2. Godly moms train their children in the Scriptures. 3:14-15

22 The impact of God’s Word in our life is summarized in verse 17.

23 It convinces us of our wrongs.

24 It corrects us by showing us how to get right with God and others.

25 “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

26 3. Godly moms hand off their faith their faith to their children.

27 Understand you are in a battle with satan for the spiritual health of your children.


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