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Climate Initiatives of the World’s Ports Dr. Satoshi Inoue Secretary General International Association of Ports & Harbors (IAPH) World Ocean Forum 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Initiatives of the World’s Ports Dr. Satoshi Inoue Secretary General International Association of Ports & Harbors (IAPH) World Ocean Forum 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Initiatives of the World’s Ports Dr. Satoshi Inoue Secretary General International Association of Ports & Harbors (IAPH) World Ocean Forum 2009 Busan, November 10-12

2 IAPH Greening the world’s ports Ports play indispensable roles in maritime trade and global logistics systems. Ports play indispensable roles in maritime trade and global logistics systems. Imperative to operate in good Imperative to operate in good harmony with natural environ- harmony with natural environ- ment; water, land and air. ment; water, land and air. IAPH is proactively promoting IAPH is proactively promoting the greening of world’s ports.

3 IAPH Recent developments of IAPH’s Climate Actions 2006 Apr: IAPH position paper on AMPing in Mumbai 2007 May: Houston resolution on port clean air programs 2008 Mar: IAPH Tool Box for Port Clean Air Programs 2008 Apr: Dunkirk resolution on port climate action 2008 July: World Ports Climate Conference in Rotterdam 2008 Nov: World Ports Climate Initiative launched 2009 Feb: UNCTAD expert meeting on climate change 2009 May: Genoa resolution on port climate action 2009 Nov: WPCI Forum to be held in Hamburg

4 IAPH IAPH Tool Box for Port Clean Air Programs Web-based planning Web-based planning guide for port clean guide for port clean air programs air programs No one-size-fits-all approach No one-size-fits-all approach Measures for each of major emission sources Measures for each of major emission sources Measures & tools readily available, including application cases and pros/cons Measures & tools readily available, including application cases and pros/cons

5 IAPH On-Shore Power Supply Ship emission controls by MARPOL Annex VI entering into force in 2005 and revised in 2008. Ship emission controls by MARPOL Annex VI entering into force in 2005 and revised in 2008. Shut down ship engines Shut down ship engines completely while at berth completely while at berth In 2007, IAPH set up WG In 2007, IAPH set up WG for international technical for international technical standard of AMP with ISO standard of AMP with ISO In 2009, IEC & ISO adopted In 2009, IEC & ISO adopted PAS for HVSC PAS for HVSC

6 IAPH The World Ports Climate Initiative IAPH created WPCI in 2008 as global platform for port climate action, open to IAPH created WPCI in 2008 as global platform for port climate action, open to the members & non-members the members & non-members Missions Missions  raise awareness  initiate studies & actions  share best practices & information Structure Structure  Chair: Dr. Geraldine Knatz, Port of Los Angeles, 1 st Vice President of IAPH

7 WPCI Projects in progress Carbon footprinting Carbon footprinting IAPH Tool Box Ver. 2 IAPH Tool Box Ver. 2 Cargo-handling equipment Cargo-handling equipment Onshore power supply Onshore power supply Lease agreement template Lease agreement template Intermodal transport Intermodal transport Environment Ship Index Environment Ship Index IAPH

8 Port Climate Action =Integrated approach= Not single-source oriented Not single-source oriented Inventory emissions of all port-related activities Inventory emissions of all port-related activities Develop effective program with best mix of measures Develop effective program with best mix of measures Involve all stakeholders Involve all stakeholders Set up targets of climate action Set up targets of climate action Make public know progress/achievements Make public know progress/achievements

9 IAPH Port Climate Action =Sustainable approach= Take immediate action but with long-term approach Take immediate action but with long-term approach Build in a mechanism for self-development Build in a mechanism for self-development Rather than penalties, provide benefits to participants of climate Rather than penalties, provide benefits to participants of climate initiatives initiatives Plan measures to run in Plan measures to run in a business-oriented way a business-oriented way

10 IAPH Port Climate Action =Innovative approach= Introduce a variety of forms of new incentives to climate action participants Introduce a variety of forms of new incentives to climate action participants Promote new technology Promote new technology through joint-project, through joint-project, offering testing sites, etc. offering testing sites, etc. Combining separate climate Combining separate climate measures strategically

11 Prepare for Climate Change Impacts - adaptation action Mitigation alone is not sufficient, ports must prepare for impacts of climate change-Adaptation IAPH Port Planning & Development Committee tasked to study adaptation measures for ports Joint survey with US Stanford University on how ports see climate change as risk and how they prepare for. IAPH

12 Let us work together for Sustainable Ocean & Ports Join the World Ports Climate Initiative Join the World Ports Climate Initiative Come to the WPCI Forum, Come to the WPCI Forum, November 18, Hamburg Thank you For more information: info@iaphworldports.org

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