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SE18S07 1ISS SE18T7S Metric NoName A0006361U AYE THET MON A0065958L NG SIEW LENG A0065772X PRAGATI A0019692X TIN LAI WAI A0065741E VARUN TAK A0065913A.

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Presentation on theme: "SE18S07 1ISS SE18T7S Metric NoName A0006361U AYE THET MON A0065958L NG SIEW LENG A0065772X PRAGATI A0019692X TIN LAI WAI A0065741E VARUN TAK A0065913A."— Presentation transcript:

1 SE18S07 1ISS SE18T7S Metric NoName A0006361U AYE THET MON A0065958L NG SIEW LENG A0065772X PRAGATI A0019692X TIN LAI WAI A0065741E VARUN TAK A0065913A ZHANG SHUDONG

2 Agenda Project Background Project Objective Project Requirements Project Risks Project Plan Technical Strategies Quality Plan Project Status Q&A 2ISS SE18T7S

3 Project Background WWW Cargo Pte Ltd (Project Sponsor) is a privately owned company offering a one-stop total logistics package. At the moment, the daily business operation of WWW Cargo Pte Ltd heavily relies on MS Excel, where company staff will operate on the same set of excel files at the shared network drives. This prevent staffs concurrently access the same set of files. Also staffs need to manually navigate inside the file folders and excel worksheets in order to find the data. As a result, it is decided that a new system with web platform support is required to improve their productivity 3ISS SE18T7S

4 Import Business Flow Local Suppliers Overseas Singapore Agent (Forwarder) WWW (Forwarder) Suppliers (Shipper) Customer (Consignee) Goods shipped to consignee By overseas agent Consignee orders the goods and Makes payment to the shippers 4ISS SE18T7S

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6 Project Objective To develop the Enterprise Cargo Management System (ECMS) which will automate the end-to-end business process for WWW Cargo Pte Ltd, a logistic service provider The new system is expected to ease their daily operations which is currently very much manual in nature. Due to project resource constraint, the project will focus on import operation while leaving export operation for future phase. 6ISS SE18T7S

7 Project Requirements The main system users are the Employees, Managers (or management) and System Administrators. Relevant user documentation (e.g. user guides) shall be created for both training and system support/maintenance. Open-source software shall be used for the development of the ECMS system. ECMS system shall be built using object-oriented technologies and techniques. Rational Unified Process (RUP) methodology shall be adopted as the development approach. Any formal changes to the requirements shall follow the SE18S7 “Change Control” procedure in the quality plan. 7ISS SE18T7S

8 Project Requirements Customer Profile Management The system is required to keep track of WWW Cargo customers’ profiles with their supplier information. Agent Profile Management The system is required to keep track of all the agents’ profiles with all branch details. Shipment Tracking Management The system is required to allow user to track shipment by creating new shipment, updating shipment status. On status update, notification email should be sent to customers automatically. 8ISS SE18T7S

9 Project Requirements Sea & Air Import Document Processing For each import shipment, quite a few documents needs to be issued due to business requirements. The system should minimize the data entry performed by the staff and generate all the necessary documents as required. The following documents are required for Sea Import Shipments Sea Import costing sheet Sea Import Notice of Arrival with charges or without charges Sea Import delivery note Sea Import trucking instruction Sea Console manifest Transhipment cover note Shipping note House Bill of Lading (HBL) Master Bill of Lading (MBL) 9ISS SE18T7S

10 Project Requirements Sea & Air Import Document Processing (cont’d) The following documents are required for Air Import Shipments Air Import Costing Sheet Air Import Delivery Notes Business Reporting The system should allow user to view the monthly business report which describes the summary of shipments in the month. User Administration The system should allow administrative user to create/remove users and configure user access rights. 10ISS SE18T7S

11 Project Scope ECMS will include the following core software modules: 11ISS SE18T7S

12 Project Risks Management Risk Team member commitment Lack of Domain Knowledge of Team members Change in requirement due to users lack of experience in IT systems. Resource overload due to small team size of 6 member, who are committed for 88 man-day for the project. Lack of customer commitment Technological Risks Lack in skills of team member for J2EE Technologies. Non availability of suitable hardware for the release. Stability of J2EE6 components, as it’s a new release. Technology Limitation Defects in open source software components 12ISS SE18T7S

13 13ISS SE18T7S

14 Project Plan Team Organization Structure Effort Estimate Vs Costar Function Point Count Gantt Chart - Baseline 14ISS SE18T7S

15 Team Organization Structure TeamTeam Members Management Team Project Manager (team leader) Business Analyst Development Team Technical Lead (sub-team leader) Developer System Analyst Quality Team Quality Manager (sub-team leader) Tester NameRole Shudong Project Manager (main functional role) Business Analyst System Analyst Developer Varun Technical Lead (main functional role) System Analyst Developer Pragati Quality Manager (main functional role) System Analyst Developer Tester Lai Wai System Analyst (main functional role) Technical Lead Business Analyst Developer Amy Developer (main functional role) Quality Manager System Analyst Developer Tester Siew Leng Business Analyst (main functional role) Project Manager System Analyst Developer Role Assignment Matrix Sub-team classification Organization Chart 15ISS SE18T7S

16 Effort Estimates Costar Vs Bottom-up Estimation Estimated Costar effort = 27.0 man-months Duration = 11.9 months Translating to man-day per team member: Estimated Costar effort = 27.0 x 152hrs (Costar pre-defined) = 4104 man-hours = 4104 / 8 hr per man-day / 6 team members = 86 man-day per team member Estimated Effort = 528.5 man-days / 6 team members = 88 man-day per team member Total (man-day) Activity 1Initial Planning 30 Activity 2Project Monitoring, Controlling, Administration 102.5 Activity 3Requirements Identification32 Activity 4Prototyping36.5 Activity 5Analysis Modelling69 Activity 6Design Modelling74 Activity 7Database Design5 Activity 8Programming116.5 Activity 9System Integration Testing35.5 Activity 10User Acceptance 27.5 Total 528.5 16ISS SE18T7S

17 Function Point Count ITEMLOWAVERAGEHIGHTOTAL External Input 5x3 = 1513x4 = 520x6 = 067 External Output 0x4 = 02x5 = 100x7 = 010 Internal File15x7 = 1052x10 = 200x15 = 0125 External file0x5 = 00x7 = 00x10 = 00 External Inquiry 15x3 = 459x4 = 360x6 = 081 UnadjustedFunction Points 283 CHARACTERISTICDI Data Communications4 Distributed Functions4 Performance1 Heavily Used configuration0 Transaction Rate1 On-line Data Entry5 End User efficiency3 On-line Update3 Complex Processing0 Re-usability1 Installation Ease1 Operational Ease0 Multiple Sites2 Facilitate Change0 Total Degree of Influence24 Adjustment Factor = 0.65 + (0.01 x Total Degree of Influence) = 0.65 + 0.24 = 0.89 Adjusted FPC = Unadjusted FPC* Adjustment Factor = 283 x 0.89 = 251.87 17ISS SE18T7S

18 Gantt Chart – Baseline (1/3) 18ISS SE18T7S

19 Gantt Chart – Baseline (2/3) 19ISS SE18T7S

20 Gantt Chart – Baseline (3/3) 20ISS SE18T7S

21 21ISS SE18T7S

22 22ISS SE18T7S

23 System Overview 23ISS SE18T7S

24 Architectural View of ECMS requirements solution – a logical multitier architecture Division between the logical tiers 24ISS SE18T7S

25 Technological Approach Model View Controller architecture (MVC)- We are adopting the well known and proven MVC architecture for the application design and development. MVC architecture shall be achieved using Struts 2 as a Web Tier base line framework. Together with the above mentioned approach following are the applicable J2EE design patterns identified – Business Delegate Service Locator Front Controller Data Access Object Value Object Interceptors. View  Renders the Model.  Send user requests to controller. View  Renders the Model.  Send user requests to controller. Model  Encapsulate application states.  Maintained by Controller and refer by View. Model  Encapsulate application states.  Maintained by Controller and refer by View. Controller  Selects view for response.  Updates Model with user actions. Controller  Selects view for response.  Updates Model with user actions. Changes the State Query the state Select the view 25ISS SE18T7S

26 Design Aspects WEB – centric design (Web tier to communicate with Database) EJB – centric design (EJB tier to communicate with Database) Both of mentioned design approaches have their own benefits and down sides, however, for ECMS functional and non- functional requirements point of view we have decided to go with EJB- centric design by considering following Robustness. Secure access to the software components. Reusability. Managed transactions. Focus development on application domain. Proven container provided Transaction Management. More manageable large scale data intensive systems. 26ISS SE18T7S

27 Platform and Software Components The platform shall be Java EE 6, which has many APIs. However, for the requirement of ECMS, we are going to explore mainly followings Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 Java Servlet 3.0 JavaServer Pages 2.2/Expression Language 2.2 Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages (JSTL) 1.2 Followings are the Third Party Open Source Components to be integrate Apache log4j 1.2 APIs (For logging purpose) Hibernate (For Object Relational Mapping) Struts 2 (Web Tier framework to stick with MVC) Jasper Reports (For Reporting) 27ISS SE18T7S

28 28ISS SE18T7S

29 Quality Plan Filing System location – Google Project - ISS2011S7 Location - DocumentsMGMTCommunicationPlansQualityReportsTechSpecificationUserWorkSCM 29ISS SE18T7S

30 Quality – Issue Tracker Issues raised in the project will be traced using Issue Tracker, online tool from Google Code Project. 30ISS SE18T7S

31 31ISS SE18T7S

32 Project Progress – completed to date Initial Planning Set-up Project Filing System Produce Quality Plan Produce Project Plan Review / Finalize Quality Plan Review / Finalize Project Plan Requirements Identification Interview Users & Gather Requirements Produce User Requirements Specification Internal Review / Finalize User Requirements Specification External Review / Finalize User Requirements Specification User Requirements Specification Sign-off 32ISS SE18T7S

33 Project Progress – Plan for next phase Prototype Produce UI Prototype Review UI Prototype Produce System Prototype Review System Prototype Produce Prototyping Study Report Review / Finalize Prototyping Study Report Functional Specification Produce Use Case Model Survey Review / Finalize Use Case Model Survey Produce Use Case Realization Reports (Analysis) Review / Finalize Use Case Realization Report (Analysis) 33ISS SE18T7S

34 Project Progress – Plan for next phase High-level Design Specification Produce High Level Software Architecture Review / Finalize High Level Software Architecture Produce Transition Strategy from Analysis to Design Review / Finalize Transition Strategy from Analysis to Design Produce DB Logical Design Review / Finalize DB Logical Design 34ISS SE18T7S

35 Gantt Chart – Tracking (1/3) 35ISS SE18T7S

36 Gantt Chart – Tracking (2/3) 36ISS SE18T7S

37 Gantt Chart – Tracking (3/3) 37ISS SE18T7S

38 38ISS SE18T7S

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