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First, the Principal Left: Sustaining PDS Work by Establishing a Portable Model Nancy Prosenjak Paul Graber Debra Patterson.

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Presentation on theme: "First, the Principal Left: Sustaining PDS Work by Establishing a Portable Model Nancy Prosenjak Paul Graber Debra Patterson."— Presentation transcript:

1 First, the Principal Left: Sustaining PDS Work by Establishing a Portable Model Nancy Prosenjak Paul Graber Debra Patterson

2 The Revolving Door High School Principal left for district position during planning phase District Superintendent was displaced during redistricting New District Superintendent left for another position after 1 year High School Site Director reassigned 3 Elementary Assist. Principals reassigned University Provost retired

3 The Teachers For a New Era Partnership Large comprehensive urban university 32,000 students; 2500 candidates Large urban school district 721,000 pupils in 8 mini-districts A network of 3 schools: elementary, middle, high school in feeder pattern

4 Incompatible Calendars Year-round, 3-track high school beginning July Traditional, 1-track middle school beginning September Year-round, 4-track elementary school beginning July Traditional, 2-semester university beginning August

5 Other Constraints Time-consuming work Multi-track creates changing groups Teaching schedule mismatch Nay sayers—don’t want change So large percentage of staff involved remains low

6 Roles and Responsibilities Each has a written job description: Site Director at each school School faculty serve as halftime directors Site Liaisons for each school CSUN Arts and Sciences Faculty CSUN COE Faculty Network Coordinator from university Site Administrators active

7 Communication Structures Bi-monthly Network meeting with Coordinator, Site Directors, Site Liaisons, Building Administrators Site Leadership Teams meet 1- 4x per month University Steering Committee meets monthly On-site course faculty meetings Regular reports on agenda for staff meetings Established Personal relationships

8 The Good News! Committed faculty and administrators Grant funding Support from university and sites Opportunity to think outside the box Innovative programs are emerging Systemic renewal of professionals

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