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Once Upon a Time… An aspiring instructional designer worked at a desk in a large city. She loved to solve problems and had plenty of little ones to solve.

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Presentation on theme: "Once Upon a Time… An aspiring instructional designer worked at a desk in a large city. She loved to solve problems and had plenty of little ones to solve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Once Upon a Time… An aspiring instructional designer worked at a desk in a large city. She loved to solve problems and had plenty of little ones to solve within the safety of her cubicle neighborhood. As she grew hungry for bigger problems, she faced barriers that grew around her like hungry jungle vines. Eventually she broke free and founded her own company to help others tame the same barriers that she escaped. 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

2 Katie Stroud …now lives in the woods where she can wake up to the smell of fresh rain and build strength for helping clients face their learning program development challenges. ncremental Success 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

3 Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember By Katie Stroud 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

4 Notable Moment! #DL407 (This Session) #DevLearn (This Conference) 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

5 Link, Inc. Meeting Facilitation Bad facilitation skills reflect on the firm Good facilitation skills improve project success Consultants get asked to return if they make a good impression Consultant reputation partially staked in meeting facilitation skills Bad representation may prevent future business 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

6 What did you learn? 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

7 ABC 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

8 Bill manages a group of consultants for his firm. He just got off the phone with one of his clients. The topic was to renew a contract for one of his consultants. The client decided they didn’t need anymore help on the project and thanked Sam for providing the resource when they needed it. 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

9 Bill was disappointed—not because the assignment was over, or that he’d have to break the news to the consultant, or even that he would now have to spend time looking for a new assignment for his consultant. He was disappointed because this call had ended the same way as the handful of other calls just like it in the last few months. 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

10 Bill didn’t have time to dwell on that now. He had to walk into a project kick-off meeting that one of his consultants was leading. 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

11 Bill got to the meeting in time, but his consultant, Sam was still setting up. When the projector was finally working, Sam jumped right into reading notes off of his slides. As the meeting progressed, the client participants grew more disengaged… 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

12 …and Bill became distracted. He started to make a connection between this meeting and the disappointing client calls he had been having. Sam was wasting these people’s time. He was reading something to them that they could have read on their own. The meeting could have been a lot more productive if Sam had engaged the client with discussions about the project. 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

13 Bill realized that meeting facilitation skills setup the clients’ perception of how effective the counsultant would be on the project. 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

14 Bill realized that meeting facilitation skilss setup the clients’ perception of how effective the counsultant would be on the project. 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

15 What did you learn? 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,


17 C E M I Elements 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

18 Setting Climax Background Characters Plot 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

19 Character C E M I 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

20 SUFFERING IntroducesAlleviates Training 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

21  Define it  Place it  Scope it  Solve it SUFFERING 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

22 Characters Her0 a character who is transformed in the story 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

23 Characters a character who contributes to the development of the main character Support 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

24 Characters Villain a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

25 What’s your problem? ? 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

26 C E M I Models 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

27 Instructional Story Models NewAdoption Technical Memory 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

28 Setting Background Characters Plot Climax 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

29 Instructional Story Models NewAdoption Technical Memory 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

30 Setting Climax Background Characters Plot 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

31 Instructional Story Models NewAdoption Technical Memory 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

32 Setting Climax Background Plot Characters 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

33 Instructional Story Models NewAdoption Technical Memory 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

34 Setting Background 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

35 Focus on the heart! 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

36 See how this boring data is made memorable with setting and background 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

37 People remember what they feel ! 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

38 C E M I Impact 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,


40 What makes a story shareable? ? 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

41 Thank You! ncremental Success 407 - Convert Learning Content to Stories People Remember,

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