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Ch 10 HTML and CSS Web Standards Solutions A Web Standardistas’ Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 10 HTML and CSS Web Standards Solutions A Web Standardistas’ Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 10 HTML and CSS Web Standards Solutions A Web Standardistas’ Approach

2  What exactly is the cascade ?  This is how the browser resolves conflicts of which CSS rule to apply when there is more than one CSS rule applied to the same element.

3 Combined “Virtual” Style Sheet Inline Style – 1 st Internal Style Sheet – 2 nd External Style Sheet 3 rd Browser’s Style Sheet – 4th Web_page.html

4  The order of your CSS rules is important

5  The BOX model Source:

6  Applying margins, borders and padding


8  Using CSS shorthand for margins, borders and padding

9  Work clockwise from top -top -right -bottom -left  Applies to margins, borders and padding  Summarized as margin: 1, 2, 3, 4 sequence 1 -top 2 -right 3 -bottom 4 -left

10  Using CSS shorthand for margins, borders and padding

11  and elements  Help to group information into logical clusters  Often referred to as Content Areas  Generic holders of information  No inherent meaning whereas has a definite meaning  Should contain meaningful elements such as,, etc  - block-level  - inline  Controlled by  id (identification) and class (classification) attributes

12  unique – so can only apply to the one place   Can be applied uniformly across many

13 #content { /* property : value pairs */ }.entry { /* property : value pairs */ }

14  Choose the names for the identifiers carefully  Have meaning  Use a-z/A-Z/0-9,-_  Start with a letter and be careful as Header is considered different from header by the browsers.

15  Each div in a layout can be given a:  width,  height,  colour and  position.

16  A one-column CSS layout

17 auto;

18  Centering text


20  Using Descendant or Contextual Selectors to Minimise Markup  Look for any within a called footer

21   Can be applied uniformly across many  Can be located within a Block-level element


23  Background images in CSS  Body  Other elements can also have images in their background

24  Background images in CSS body { background:url(../images/darkblueGrad2.gif) repeat-x; background-color:#01A9EA; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; //font-size:0.7em; font-size:62.5%; text-align: center; /* this centers the container in IE 5* browsers. The text is then set to the left aligned default in the #container selector */ color: #666666; }  Other elements can also have images in their background

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