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Nick Olley The Cambridge Partnership. SCITT Currently secondary only Primary from next cohort PGCE via “partnership” with HEI SDTP Training programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Nick Olley The Cambridge Partnership. SCITT Currently secondary only Primary from next cohort PGCE via “partnership” with HEI SDTP Training programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nick Olley The Cambridge Partnership

2 SCITT Currently secondary only Primary from next cohort PGCE via “partnership” with HEI SDTP Training programme SDTP Salaried programme SDTP Non-government funded programme Assessment only

3 Between 50% and 60% outstanding exit grades 90% good or outstanding 95% recruitment or better Cover East Anglia in its broadest sense Further afield according to need and school request Flexible and bespoke programmes according to school and individual needs

4 Collaboration with other SCITTs Networking across the country Collaboration with schools

5 Insistence that the only way to do things is dictated by the HEI Lack of distance learning opportunities Existing successful documentation must be rewritten to be accepted by HEI One way traffic HEI documentation does not always fit the SCITT model Calendar has to work to HEI calendar Perception that it is less “partnership” and more “dictatorship”

6 Recognition that we are buying services from the HEI. We are the customer Lack of consistency in costs SCITT does most of the work Reluctance by HEI to detail what we are actually paying for Perception that the partnership with the SCITT is to ease HEI finances, not for the greater good of student teachers or teaching in general

7 Moving the goalposts at very short notice Finding things wrong when they have been accepted by others at the HEI Last minute demands when time has been built in by SCITT Speed of response in general Emails and assignment marking Lack of understanding that we are involved in much more than a PGCE

8 Consistency in dealing with student teachers Sensitive and real support Students returning to academic writing Little or no flexibility or personalised programme to recognise student experience No plan B for students who are struggling with the demands of the programme, having paid for it

9 Willingness to adopt new practice Understanding of the modern market place and needs of schools. No longer provider led. Now school led Mutual professional respect Understanding of the concept of “partnership” Realisation that schools can work with as many providers as they wish Use of modern technology

10 By e-mail: By phone: 01487 833707 By post: The Cambridge Partnership, The Tony Robinson Centre, Sawtry Community College, Fen Lane, Sawtry, Cambridgeshire, PE28 5TQ Website:

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