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Mr. Vayo. There are hundreds of cities around the world that have been built on rivers, but why?  Food  Water  Trade  Transportation (boats)

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Vayo. There are hundreds of cities around the world that have been built on rivers, but why?  Food  Water  Trade  Transportation (boats)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Vayo

2 There are hundreds of cities around the world that have been built on rivers, but why?  Food  Water  Trade  Transportation (boats)

3 The Nile is the longest river in the world. It brings water to the desert. In ancient times, the Nile River used to flood every year. Once the flood water receded it would leave fertile mud which was used to cultivate the land. In modern times, dams were built to control the flooding on the river banks.

4 The Amazon River is not as long as the Nile, however it carries much more water. It is one of the richest areas in the world for plant and animal diversity. Hundreds of years ago native Indian tribal groups used the river for fishing and a source of water. It holds a rich abundance of food (30 times more species of fish than European rivers) both in the water and on land. In more recent times, the Amazon is under attack by foresters who continue to cut down trees in the area.

5 The Thames flow through London from the South of England. The river has been an important trade and transport route since prehistoric times. Barges and river boats brought fish, wood and wool to London. Trading ships brought all kinds of goods like tea, silk, and spices to the city from the East bringing prosperity to England.

6 Chang Jiang means long river. It is significant in Chinese history because of its impact on culture, trade and transportation. There are many cities that are found on the Yangtze because of this.

7 Have you heard of the stories of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain? During the 1800s steamboats started taking goods and passengers up and down the river. As a result, there are many cities found on the Mississippi. Just recently (in 2011) there has been serious flooding on the Mississippi River.

8 Paddle steamers were used to transport goods up and down the river. The water from the river was also used as irrigation for farming.

9 You are to research and write some notes on:  When and why Brisbane was settled? Before you begin, what search techniques and strategies are you going to use?  Wolfram Alpha  Wonder Wheel  World Book Online  Use a colon to refine your search:  E.g. Floods: define

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