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Digital Portfolio Check. Type ctrl-print screen for a full screen shot :

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Portfolio Check. Type ctrl-print screen for a full screen shot :"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Portfolio Check

2 Type ctrl-print screen for a full screen shot :

3 Type Alt-Print for an active window shot:

4 Resize your window before you take the photo. It should have as little white area as possible and should be easy to read.

5 Resize by clicking& dragging on the edge or corner of the window:

6 Take a picture of each folder: U Drive, Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.

7 Copy all to a Word Document:

8 Crop & resize if you need to:

9 Digital Portfolio Check: Open a Word document and put in your MLA heading. Open your Digital Portfolio and take a screen shot of just that widow. Paste the screen shots in your Word document Save as, LASTNAMEPORTFOLIO. Email this to me with “LastnamePortfolio” in the subject line.

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