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Published byBritton Robbins Modified over 9 years ago
2015 CoC Local Process Renewals Bidders’ Conference April 21 st, 2014 1:00pm-3:00pm 1.Welcome 2.Responses from last community meeting 3.Overview of Renewal Application 4.Q and A Session
The 2015 NOFA Committee’s Guiding Principles Maximize the resources available to the community; Prioritize protecting programs in which people reside; Keep the renewal process as simple as possible; Continue to emphasize project performance and the submission of projects that will meet HUD’s thresholds; Support individual projects seeking to reallocate or reclassify where relevant; Facilitate a clear, fair, and transparent local process. 2
Our Local Process and Key Dates February 2015: The NOFA Committee identified possible changes to the process and local application. March 12 th Community Meeting: Committee invited community input on strategies. April 9 th Community Meeting: After further refining strategies Committee introduced concrete changes for feedback. 3
Our Local Process and Key Dates April 21 st Bidders Conference: Committee finalized local process and application and releases it to renewal applicants in advance of the HUD NOFA. April 24 th – May 4 th : Staff and NOFA Committee will address applicant questions. May 19 th 12:00 p.m.: Renewal Applications due. June 5 th : Renewal rankings and Scores released. 4
Community Input at 4/9/15 Meeting 60 Point Threshold Score Input: Consider pro-rating the threshold for project types which cannot score as high, as lower scores are not necessarily indicative of poor performance, just differing activity types. Outcome: The Committee determined that the 60 Point Threshold Score will stand and is obtainable for all project types. SSO projects can earn a maximum of 76 pts and TH a maximum of 84. If strong performers, such projects can gain points in other areas. 5
Community Input at 4/9/15 Meeting Spending Input: Clarify the basis for the 5% threshold. Consider having a different scoring scale for this criteria based on project type (i.e. rental assistance). Outcome: All projects are asked to explain any under- spending for most recent year and a pattern of multiple years of 5% under-spending. The 5% comes from the NOFA application from previous years. Scoring on the reasonableness of under-spending will be determined by committee members based on the narrative and can account for the nature of the project at scorer discretion. 6
Community Input at 4/9/15 Meeting Exits to Homelessness Input: Review the benchmarks for Outcome D, ‘Exits to Homelessness’ to ensure that they are not simply the inverse of Outcome A, ‘Obtains/Retains Permanent Housing’. Ensure measures used are consistent with community measures. Outcome: With staff the Committee reviewed the Outcome benchmarks from “Attachment B” along with outcomes measured in Exhibit 1, and determined, that while not perfect, the Exits to Homelessness was an appropriate measure and not an inverse of Outcome A. 7
Elements of 2015 Renewal Process The NOFA Committee has elected to run a full rating and ranking process in 2015 ahead of the NOFA release The 60 point threshold score reinstated New projects with less than one year of operation or have not had their contracts with HUD executed do not need to submit a full local renewal application Adjustments to point allocations Refinement of performance measures 8
Renewal Applications 9
Total points available = 100 (depending on program type) Due to EveryOne Home Electronically on Tuesday, May 19 th at Noon (12:00pm) Send submissions in PDF form to 10
Mandatory Attachments HMIS Demographics Report—1/1/14-12/31/14. The project’s Annual Performance Report (APR) for 1/1/14-12/31/14 Project Leveraging chart from last e-snaps application Data Completeness Report Card (EE)v9, Program Summary Tab for January 1, 2014-December 31, 2014 The grantee’s most recent annual independent audit as PDF or with a link to on-line version 11
General Section (30 pts) Information about Project and applicant Points on this section for: –Project Type – up to 16 points –HUD’s priorities -- 14 points –Does PSH for CH or RRH for families (up to 8) –Uses a Housing First Approach (up to 6) Shorter submission for non-renewing or renewals with less than 12 months operating Cost per housing outcome added 12
Outcome Measures (38 Points) Uses information APR’s, complete outcomes measure charts for the project types. Measures required and benchmarks vary depending on program type A.Obtains or Retains Permanent Housing (16 pts) B. For those entering with no income, obtains some OR B. Obtains earned income (9 pts) (for SSO Employment Programs only = 12 pts) C.Obtains/maintains mainstream benefits (9 pts) (SSO emp only = 6pts) D.Exits to Homelessness (4 pts) 13
Outcome A: Info from APR (PSH Only) Length of Participation by Exit Status Number of Persons TotalLeaversStayers Less than 30 days AH 31 to 60 days BI 61 to 180 days CJ 181 to 365 days 366 to 730 days (1-2 Yrs) 731 to 1095 days (2-3 Yrs) 1096 to 1460 days (3-4 Yrs) 1461 to 1825 days (4-5 Yrs) More than 1825 Days (>5 Yrs) Information Missing Total GP Housing Retention >6 months: (P – H – I – J + G) – A – B – C / (P – H – I – J + G) = % of persons 14
Outcome A: Info from APR (RRH, TH, SSO) Obtaining Permanent Housing: (A + B) / C = % of persons obtaining permanent housing 15 29a1. Destination by Household Type and Length of Stay (All Leavers who Stayed More than 90 Days) Number of Leavers in Households Permanent Destinations Total Witho ut Childr en With Childr en and Adults With Only Childr en Unkno wn HH Type Owned by Client, no Ongoing Subsidy Owned by Client, with Ongoing Subsidy Rental by Client, no Ongoing subsidy Rental by Client, with VASH Subsidy Rental by Client, with other Ongoing Subsidy PSH for Homeless Persons Living with Family, Permanent Tenure Living with Friends, Permanent Tenure SubtotalA 29a2. Destination by Household Type and Length of Stay (All Leavers who Stayed 90 Days or Less) Number of Leavers in Households Permanent Destinations Total Without Children With Children and Adults With Only Children Unknow n HH Type Owned by Client, no Ongoing Subsidy Owned by Client, with Ongoing Subsidy Rental by Client, no Ongoing subsidy Rental by Client, with VASH Subsidy Rental by Client, with other Ongoing Subsidy PSH for Homeless Persons Living with Family, Permanent Tenure Living with Friends, Permanent Tenure SubtotalB 7. HMIS or Comparable Database Data Quality Total number of records for All Clients Total number of records for Adults Only Total number of records for Unaccompanied Youth Total number of records for LeaversC
Outcome B: Info from APR (RRH, SSO Employment) 16 Obtained or Maintained Employment Income: (A + B) / D = % of people who obtained or maintained Employment Income 25a1. Cash Income Types by Exit Status - Leavers Cash-Income Sources Type of Cash-Income Sources by Number of Persons - Leavers TotalAdultsChildrenAge Unknown Earned IncomeA Unemployment Insurance SSI SSDI Veteran's Disability Private Disability Insurance Worker's Compensation TANF or Equivalent General Assistance Retirement (Social Security) Veteran's Pension Pension from Former Job Child Support Alimony (Spousal Support) Other Source TOTAL 25b1. Cash-Income Sources - Stayers Cash-Income Sources Type of Cash-Income Sources by Number of Persons - Stayers TotalAdultsChildrenAge Unknown Earned IncomeB Unemployment Insurance SSI SSDI Veteran's Disability Private Disability Insurance Worker's Compensation TANF or Equivalent General Assistance Retirement (Social Security) Veteran's Pension Pension from Former Job Child Support Alimony (Spousal Support) Other Source TOTAL 7. HMIS or Comparable Database Data Quality Total number of records for All Clients Total number of records for Adults OnlyD Total number of records for Unaccompanied Youth Total number of records for Leavers
Outcome B: Info from APR (PSH, TH, SSO Outreach) 17 Persons Entering with No Income, Obtaining: (A – B – C ) / A = % of people who entered with no income and exiting with some 24.a Number of Adults By Income CategoryAdults at Entry Adults at Latest Follow-up (Stayers) Adults at Exit (Leavers) Adults with Only Earned Income Adults with Only Other Income Adults with Both Earned Income and Other Income Adults with No IncomeABC Adults with DK/R Income Information Adults with Missing Income Information Total Adults Adults with Income Information at Entry and Follow- up/Exit
Outcome C: Info from APR (PSH, TH, SSO Outreach) 18 26a2. Non-Cash Benefits by Exit Status - Leavers Client Non-Cash Benefits by Exit Status Number of Non-Cash Benefits by Number of Persons - Leavers TotalAdultsChildrenAge Unknown No Sources 1+ Source(s)B Don't Know / Refused Missing this Information TOTALE 26b2. Number of Non-Cash Benefit Sources - Stayers Client Non-Cash Benefits by Exit Status Number of Non-Cash Benefits by Number of Persons - Stayers TotalAdultsChildrenAge Unknown No Sources 1+ Source(s)G Don't Know / Refused Missing this Information TOTALJ (B + G) / (E + J) = % of adults non-cash mainstream benefits
Outcome D: Info from APR (all project types) 19 29a1. Destination by Household Type and Length of Stay (All Leavers who Stayed More than 90 Days) Number of Leavers in Households Temporary Destinations Emergency ShelterA TH for Homeless PersonsB Staying with Family, Temporary Tenure Staying with Friends, Temporary Tenure Place Not Meant for Human HabitationC Safe HavenD Hotel or Motel, Paid by Client Subtotal 29a2. Destination by Household Type and Length of Stay (All Leavers who Stayed 90 Days or Less) Number of Leavers in Households Temporary Destinations Emergency ShelterE TH for Homeless PersonsF Staying with Family, Temporary Tenure Staying with Friends, Temporary Tenure Place Not Meant for Human HabitationG Safe HavenH Hotel or Motel, Paid by Client Subtotal 7. HMIS or Comparable Database Data Quality Total number of records for All Clients Total number of records for Adults Only Total number of records for Unaccompanied Youth Total number of records for LeaversI PH, TH, RRH: For Permanent Housing, Transitional Housing, and Rapid Re-housing projects, the outcome measure captures People who Exit to Homelessness. These project types should use the following formula to calculate their measure: Exits to Homelessness: (A + B + C + D) + (E + F + G + H) / I = % of persons who exit to homelessness SSO – Employment: For SSO Employment projects, the outcome measure captures People who Exit to Streets or Shelter. These project types should use the following formula to calculate their measure: Exits to Streets or Shelter: (A + C) + (E + G) / I = % of persons who exits to streets or shelter SSO-Outreach: For SSO Street Outreach projects, the outcome measure captures People Who Exit to Places not Meant for Human Habitation. These project types should use the following formula to calculate their measure: Exits to Places not Meant for Human Habitation: (C + G) / I = % of persons exiting to places not meant for human habitation
Spending (12 pts) a.Report on amount of unspent funds for past 3 years b.Explain unspent grant funds in most recent grant year c.Underspending of 5% or greater in most recent year and one other in last 3 years must be explained Narratives with detailed explanations and corrective strategies will earn more points 20
HMIS (2 pts) Report on data quality for required Universal data elements using Bowman “Data Completeness Report Card (EE) - v9” Points based on percent of data quality must be higher than 95% to get 2 points, 90% to get 1 When prompted to include services in the report, select ‘no’ 21
Data quality report card 22
Leveraging (3 pts) Attach Leveraging Chart from most recent application in e-snaps If total leveraged amount in application differs from attached chart please explain Leverage letters do not need to be submitted with local application but do need to be on file with HCD, the collaborative applicant, by time of submission to HUD 23
Quality Assurance (12 pts) Narrative on use of best practices, customer satisfaction, performance monitoring, use of data staff training and quality of care Reviewers will score on the quality and comprehensiveness of narrative as well as how specific it is to the project versus being generic Audits will be scored under this section – projects are required to submit their full audits with applications 24
Submission Deadlines and Requirements All project applications are due to EveryOne Home by Noon (12:00 pm) on May 19 th, 2015 – applications should be submitted electronically to Include back-up documentation in a PDF – this file name must include the name of the program. Applicants that have on-line audits may provide a link in your cover email to the online location of your documents and do not need to submit a PDF of the audit. 25
Resources on website Electronic versions of the applications can be downloaded from the EveryOne Home website at: by the end of the week. Word versions of the application will be emailed by Close of Business, 4/21/15. 26
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