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CWU Institutional Research Department --National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Account Executive: Aubrey Abbott Junior Executives: Sara Melton, Wendy.

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Presentation on theme: "CWU Institutional Research Department --National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Account Executive: Aubrey Abbott Junior Executives: Sara Melton, Wendy."— Presentation transcript:

1 CWU Institutional Research Department --National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Account Executive: Aubrey Abbott Junior Executives: Sara Melton, Wendy Bynum, Ben McBride, Quan Lam

2 Goal Build student awareness of the National Survey of Student Engagement at Central Washington University.

3 Problem  Previous response rates only reached 20% for Central.  Struggled to achieve a representation across campus.  Did not fully utilize outlets of promotion across campus. NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

4 Research What worked at other universities?  Press Releases in community newspapers  More Incentives for students, parking etc.  Yard signs and banners around town and across campus.  Utilizing campus transportation.  Budget for more incentive and more time. NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

5 Objective Increase the student response rate for the 2012 NSSE from 20% to 30% by June 1, 2012. NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

6 Strategy  Create incentives for students to take survey.  Students who take survey will be entered in a raffle for1 of 5 $100 gift cards to the Wildcat Shop  The first 50 students who take the survey will have the opportunity to receive Early Registration for Fall 2012. NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

7 Strategy  Promote NSSE to attract a target audience.  Create a flyer that captures student’s attention.  Print and distribute small and large flyers around campus to pinpoint target audience.  Talk to organizations around campus to promote NSSE.  -Residence Halls, Radio Stations, ASCWU-BOD, Newspapers, Clubs and Organizations, Dining Services.  Table in SURC to Promote Campaign and allow students to take survey.  Use Social Media to promote.  @CentralWashU Twitter  Wellington Wildcat Facebook Page NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

8 Print Materials  Over 100 posters placed in residence halls and academic buildings  Ads appeared in the Observer, CWU newspaper  Informational blurbs appeared in residence hall weekly newsletters NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

9 Print Material NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

10 Electronic Material  Utilized student-facilitated Facebook page  Utilized student-facilitated Twitter page  Sent e-mails to Communication Majors and Communication department  Placed information blurb on CWU Student Intranet NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

11 Electronic Material NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact Facebook Twitter Online Survey

12 Results  Many factors contributed into reaching our goal.  We did not reach our goal of 30% NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

13 NSSE Response Summary Preliminary response rate (Completes + partials, divided by total sample - ineligibles): 18.29% (last updated: May 30, 2012) Disposition Count Percentage Complete 888 16.32 Partial 107 1.97 Refusal 741.36 Mailing 0 0.00 Not eligible 1 0.02 Total 5440 100.00 NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

14 Impact  Created follow up survey for students.  Questions consisted of: NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

15 Next Steps  Create a strategic plan by analyzing data  Inform University about NSSE results  Create a budget and campaign strategies for future assessments NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

16 Future Recommendations  Create a larger budget to promote  Have a larger time frame to promote survey  Pursue physical mail to students versus email, due to technical difficulties. NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

17 Special thanks to…  ASCWU-BOD  Allyson Mundy, VP of Academic Affairs  Mike Merz, VP of Legislative Affairs  Steve Ross, President  CWU Communication Department  Kristen Gaskill, Communication Analyst  Observer  CWU Residence Life  CWU Institutional Research  Amy Zukowski  Tom Henderson  Ed Day NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

18 Questions/Comments/Concerns? NSSE CWU Agency Campaign Impact

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