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2015 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Training For Coordinators, Captains & Keyworkers.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Training For Coordinators, Captains & Keyworkers."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Training For Coordinators, Captains & Keyworkers

2 AGENDA Welcome CFC Overview, Structure and CFC History Loaned Executive Role Coordinator Role Keyworker Role Campaign Material with ‘How To’ *Pledge forms *Online Giving (ePledging) *Envelopes *Special Events *Collecting and Reconciling Money Make the Ask (video) Recognition and Thank You

3 PamFranceschi 2015 CFC Campaign Chair - DFAS Central Ohio West Virginia CFC

4 Michelle Jeffrey 2015 CFC Campaign Chair – DFAS Central Ohio West Virginia CFC

5 2015 LFCC Members David Bertke - DFAS Janet Bunnell- DLA Land & Maritime Kathleen Denson – IRS James (Marty) Dixon – DLA Training Carletha Fasching - USDA Farm Service Agency Jesse Foster - SSA ODAR Pearl Foster - DLA Land & Maritime Valerie Harover – DLA Land & Maritime Michelle Jeffrey - DFAS Pam Kelly – DFAS Brenda Minnema – DLA Land & Maritime Stephanie Morgan – SSA Jan Pitts – DFAS Barry Roberts – HUD

6 LFCC Responsibilities Encourage Local Federal agencies to appoint Loaned Executives Encourage Agency Directors/Co’s to support the campaign Ensure to the extent possible, every federal employee is given an opportunity to participate in the CFC (100% ask) Hires PCFO Conducts Local Agency Eligibility Provides Oversight of PCFO Approves Campaign material Conducts Compliance audit (Members from Federal Community) Final Campaign Decisions Liaisons to Federal Agency Heads

7 PCFO Principal Combined Fund Organization 1. Manage the Campaign 2. Serve as fiscal agent Kim Kessler Public Sector Director Kevin Readey Relationship Manager Nora Lyons Campaign Associate

8 2015LoanedExecutives (Also known as YOUR LE) Jan Pitts DFAS Vickie Diggs DLA Land & Maritime Christie Hooks USDA Rural Development Regina Baldridge VA Medical Center Huntington

9 2015LoanedExecutives (Also known as YOUR LE) Trevor Payne & Jason Fry U.S. Postal Service


11 What is the CFC? CFC is the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace fundraising campaign. There are 150+ CFC’s throughout the country and internationally that raise millions of dollars each year. To date federal employees have collected over $7 billiondollars for local, national, and international charitable organizations. Pledges made by Federal civilian, postal and military donors during the campaign season support eligible non–profit organizations that provide health and human service benefits throughout the world. The Central Ohio and WV CFC raised nearly $1.1 million dollars during the 2013 campaign.

12 33 County Giving Area Adams, Athens, Brown, Coshocton, Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Gallia, Guernsey, Highland, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Licking, Logan, Madison, Marion, Meigs, Morgan, Morrow, Muskingum, Perry, Pickaway, Pike, Ross, Scioto, Union, Vinton, and Washington counties in Ohio. Cabell, Wayne and Wood counties in West Virginia.

13 Structure OPM Sets Policy & Procedures Leadership of LFCC (Local Federal Campaign Committee) CABINET LFCC Conducts Local Campaign Manages Local Campaign (Principal Combined Fund Organization) PCFO Local Federal Agencies Loaned Executive Local, National and International Charities Chairperson Coordinators Key Workers Project Officers

14 OPM Mgmt) Structure (OfficeofPersonnel Director, OPM CFC Staff Elaine Kaplan OPM Curtis Rumbaugh Mary Capule CherLynn Stevens Marcus Glasgow Director, CFC Operations Keith Willingham Publishes CFC Regulations Establishes Timelines Provides Direction and Guidance Develops & Publishes National / International List Establishes Rules on Local Application’s Final Appeal Audits

15 ROLES LoanedExecutives Coordinators Keyworkers

16 Loaned Executive (LE) Responsibilities Train Coordinators and Keyworkers Deliver all material needed for employee campaigns including pledge cards, brochures, report envelopes, and campaign posters. Set up charity tours, displays, speakers, and use of the campaign video. Assist Coordinators with planning, organizing, conducting employee campaigns and meetings, special events and other activities, whatever is needed. Follow-up with CFC Coordinators for envelope reconciliation or assistance. Oversee pledge processing and donor recognition Responsible for reconciliation of donations Available to assist YOU!!!

17 Coordinator Role Primary contact with Loaned Executives Develop, schedule and implement the Agency campaign (via awareness, marketing and special events etc.) Be available to keyworkers for assistance and reconciliation of envelopes Assures that related “off-site” offices in the Agency are included campaign, if applicable. i.e. military bases, in the Recruit and assist in training of the campaign team (Captains, Keyworkers etc.)

18 Coordinator Role Distributes all campaign materials, collects and audits pledge forms in a timely fashion Follow up with LE as needed Reconciles and coordinates pick-up of campaign envelopes with LE Be mindful of campaign dates Communicates and distributes recognition opportunities (including Pins and Coins)

19 Keyworker Roles PRICELESS HEART of the campaign KEY to a successful Campaign POC between employee and coordinator Must “reach out” personally Distribute pins/coins for pledges *MAKE THE ASK* - Do you know how? Are you comfortable? No? Not quite? Hold on…We’ll show YOU!

20 Campaign Materials

21 2015 Central Ohio & West Virginia CFC CharityGuide


23 Charity Poster

24  CFC DVD  Thermometer posters  I give because posters  Union posters  Swag items  Fund raising events  Campaign ideas  Increase participation ideas

25 PledgeCard

26 Completing the Pledge Card Instruct employees to use black ballpoint pen, write in all capital letters and to press firmly! 3-Part Form: 1. 2. Top page goes to your Payroll Office. Middle page (white carbon copy) goes in Report Envelope. thethe 3.Bottom page (pink carbon copy) to donor as confirmation receipt.


28 Can you spot the errors on this form? 1__________________ 2__________________ 3__________________

29 Make the Ask (Video) j4&index=2&list=PLlBcYXNpOYcN3GQ9V2U2mqWz8OMU9zt8A

30 Online Giving There arecurrently 3 online givingoptions… 1.Nexus 2.EmployeeExpress (EEX) 3.myPaymyPay

31 Nexus Nexus is a non-government run third party online pledging system Is available for ANY FEDERAL EMPLOYEE from any department/agency

32 EmployeeExpress EEX is an automated government payroll system that empowers Federal employees to initiate the processing of their discretionary personnel-payroll transactions electronically. EEX is limited to select departments – refer to the home page for a department listing.

33 myPay An automated government payroll system for employees of the Department of Defense (DoD) ONLY. It empowers Federal employees to initiate the processing of their discretionary personnel-payroll transactions electronically. Government Intranet access only

34 Universal Giving What is it? –Universal Giving is the to give to any national, approved charity listed ability for federal workers international, or local with any CF campaign located anywhere in the country –Universal Giving is available only through the three eGiving systems:Nexus, EEX, and myPay –OPM will also offer the complete listing at; and

35 CampaignReport Envelope


37 Key Points Separate Civilian from Military Pledge Cards when adding pledges Contribution Type Vs. Special Events “TOTAL” Row should represent what is in the envelope DO NOT sign on “Envelope Picked Up By:” line DO NOT SEAL the envelope until reconciled with your LE

38 Recognition  Donor Level  Department/Agency Level  Most Innovative Special Event (by application only)

39 DonorLevels& RecognitionItems Diamond $1,200+ Platinum $960 - $1,199 Gold $720 - $959 Bronze $240 - $479 Silver $480 - $719

40 Depart/Agency Recognition Per Capita - Departments/Agencies are recognized that achieve a minimum of $40 average donation “Per Capita ” Levels are: Gold Silver Certificate

41 TRIPLE CROWN AWARD  Meet or Exceed Agency Goal  Meet or Exceed Per Capita Goal  Meet or Exceed Participation Goal

42 Most Innovative Special Event* Info and application info 2014 Winners: Chalmers P Wylie VA Medical Center, Columbus VA Medical Center, Huntington (*someone from agency must submit an entry)

43 Campaign Website Resources and Downloads Resources Forms Training

44 WEBSITE RESOURCES & DOWNLOADS FORMS – Fifth Third Bank – Cash conversionletter Donor Recognition Awards Gift/Prize Request Speaker Request Form Nexus – User Tutorial EEX – User Tutorial MyPay – User Tutorial Form

45 WEBSITE RESOURCES & DOWNLOADS RESOURCES - Charity Guide Campaign Poster (both versions) Campaign Video Coordinator Training PowerPoint (this presentation)

46 Donor Recognition Item Requests

47 Speaker Requests Individual Speakers and Agency Fairs

48 Always say: THANK YOU….. be gracious and smile, even if/when the donor says ‘No’ OPM has several ‘Thank You posters available for use. Examples

49 Questions?


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