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Description of the event

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1 Description of the event
nd Continental Congress Battle of Bunker Hill Description of the event It weakened the ties between the colonies and Britain because… Symbol of the event Explanation of symbol: 5/10/1775 – 2nd CC meets in Philadelphia Answers will vary: Showed the strength and determination of the continental army Symbols will vary! But, this should be a symbol, not a picture labeled Bunker Hill. 2CC creates continental army, makes GW general 5/16/1775 – Putnam & colonists build fort at Breed’s Hill British attack 3x; misnamed Bunker Hill Putnam: “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” Answers will vary! But, this should be an EXPLANATION, not a label.  label: an eye  explanation: The eye represents the famous statement by Putnam to not waste ammunition, but wait until the British were in very close range before firing. 1000 British dead; ~500 colonists dead

2 Description of the event
6.3 Siege of Boston Description of the event It weakened the ties between the colonies and Britain because… Symbol of the event Explanation of symbol: Army had little gunpowder, but GW spread a rumor to trick British Answers will vary: proved that the colonial army could defeat the British. Symbols will vary! But, this should be a symbol, not a picture labeled Boston. Army got supplies from other colonies Henry Knox sent to Ft. Ticonderoga for artillery 3/4/1776 – colonists cover Dorchester Heights w/cannons British Gen. Howe abandons Boston for Canada Answers will vary! But, this should be an EXPLANATION, not a label.  label: pencil & Faneuil Hall  explanation: Faneuil Hall is an important building in Boston, and the pencil represents the fact that the artillery used by the colonists was stolen from Ft. Ticonderoga! Loyalists left, too

3 Olive Branch Petition Description of the event
nd Continental Congress Olive Branch Petition Description of the event It weakened the ties between the colonies and Britain because… Symbol of the event Explanation of symbol: 7/1775 – CC sends peace petition to KGIII Answers will vary: showed many colonists that peaceful means would not convince the king to meet the colonists’ needs Symbols will vary! But, this should be a symbol, not a picture of a scroll. John Adams – olive branch is symbol of peace KGIII “colonies in open rebellion” KGIII “bring traitors to justice” One colonial general had questioned separating from Britain, but now… Answers will vary! But, this should be an EXPLANATION, not a label.  label: a dove  explanation: The dove of peace holds a small olive branch to show that the colonists wanted to try to solve their conflict with Britain in a peaceful way. Patrick Henry “we must be independent or slaves”

4 Description of the event
6.4 Common Sense Description of the event It weakened the ties between the colonies and Britain because… Symbol of the event Explanation of symbol: By Thomas Paine, 1776 Answers will vary: convinced colonists that they needed freedom from Britain Symbols will vary! But, this should be a symbol, not a picture of a book. America suffered under British control: economy & war “oppose not only the tyranny, but the tyrant!” Monarchy is a poor form of gov’t Taxes were hurting the economy/difficult for colonists to make $$ Answers will vary! But, this should be an EXPLANATION, not a label.  label: colonies and England  explanation: England wears a crown to represent KGIII. The arrow shows the distance and tension between England and the colonies, which are reasons to break up with them. small far-away island shouldn’t rule a continent

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