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1 Incentivizing and Facilitating Quality Improvement Projects to Improve Care Coordination in Illinois Juanona Brewster, MDiv, MTS, MJ Director, Early.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Incentivizing and Facilitating Quality Improvement Projects to Improve Care Coordination in Illinois Juanona Brewster, MDiv, MTS, MJ Director, Early."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Incentivizing and Facilitating Quality Improvement Projects to Improve Care Coordination in Illinois Juanona Brewster, MDiv, MTS, MJ Director, Early Childhood Development, Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

2 2 Learning Objectives Discuss use of Maintenance of Certification Part 4 (MOC4) Review MOC4 expectations Reflect on why this brilliant plan wasn’t embraced Evaluate the introduction of practice coaching

3 3 Maintenance of Certification Part 4 (MOC4) All diplomates of the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) must maintain a full and unrestricted license Illinois Healthy Beginnings II (IHB2) needed a way to more exactingly engage medical homes in the IHB2 work.

4 MOC 4 Activity Requirements On line training Use care coordination forms Follow activity reporting protocol 4

5 What worked, what didn’t Enthusiastic response from members Few participants Pizza just won’t do it, even Chicago style pizza 5

6 Enter the practice coach!!!! Role Tools and Supports Impact 6

7 Role of the Practice Coach Increase understanding of IHB2 project and the MOC4 process for participating medical homes Increase usage of standardized referral form when children need referral to EI in medical home pilots for IHB2 Increase practice of 36 office hour follow up with families for participating medical homes Increase use of Statewide Provider Database (SPD) by participating medical homes 7

8 Tools and supports Chart review forms Run chart templates QI milestone chart for practice Phone and face to face support 8

9 Impact of using practice coaches Increase in number of participants Feedback on MOC process strengths and vulnerabilities Relationship building 9

10 Lessons Learned Practices must still have some motivation to complete MOC4 Practice coaches can play a valuable role to expedite MOC process Medical homes will still be frustrated by systems but do feel more “in control” 10

11 Thank You 11

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