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Lesson 30 Finishing Touches. End-Of Course Survey Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS) Thank a Teacher Form.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 30 Finishing Touches. End-Of Course Survey Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS) Thank a Teacher Form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 30 Finishing Touches

2 End-Of Course Survey Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS) Thank a Teacher Form

3 THE Exam Thursday December 12th 2:50 – 5:40 IC 219

4 Course Review What’s important? Everything! OK, here is what you need to focus on …

5 Course Objectives The successful student will gain the historical foundation and framework to support informed discussion and analysis of modern warfare, its causes, conduct, and consequences.

6 Course Objectives Understand and trace the historical roots of the strategies, operational concepts, and weapons employed in modern wars. Trace key technological threads in the history of warfare and appreciate their continuing significance in modern war. Understand the concept of revolutions in military affairs and their impact on warfare in the 20th century and beyond. Understand the impacts of modern war on society and society on modern war. Develop an historical appreciation for the moral and ethical issues of modern war. Understand historical trends in the Law of Armed Conflict and other initiatives to limit the impact of war on society. Specifically, the successful student will be able to:

7 Threads & Themes The Circle of Modern War: Society Technology Military Science Society Match/Mismatch between national objectives and national strategy Core technologies: metallurgy, chemistry, physics, mechanics, electronics Core Weapons: Infantry weapons, artillery, naval armament, aircraft Logistics as the lynchpin of modern war Offense vs. defense Revolutions in Military Affairs (RMA)

8 Points of Emphasis Levels of War Instruments of National Power Weinberger’s Six Tests for Going to War Total War Causes, Conduct & Consequences of Wars

9 Course Review Focus your review on the highlight slides for each of the three blocks of instruction These are grouped at the end of the Lectures page (click)Lectures page (click) The material for Lessons 22-30 (starting with the A-bomb lecture) will be on the exam in questions much like these in Exams 1 & 2 (short answers, identification, chronology, etc.) The material from Lessons 1-9 and 11-21 will be used in broader concept questions addressing the major themes of the course. There will be a few repeat detail questions from Exams 1 & 2 Be sure the review the ones you missed!

10 Rite of Passage I pass you the keys to the History of Modern War: Link

11 I wish you all success … … and happy landings!

12 Don’t forget CIOS evaluation

13 THE Exam Thursday December 12th 2:50 – 5:40 IC 219

14 End


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