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Jonathan Ganc Qualifier for PhD Candidacy October 12, 2009 Department of Physics, University of Texas
I. Cosmic Inflation II. Characterizing inflation, calculating non- Gaussianity; the in-in formalism III. The bispectrum consistency relation for single-field inflation IV. The trispectrum has at least one consistency relations V. Is there another consistency relation for the trispectrum? VI. Conclusion and further work 2Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
A period of exponential expansion in the very early universe with a nearly constant Hubble parameter: a(t)=a 0 e ∫Hdt. Resolves many potential problems in cosmology: ◦ the horizon problem ◦ the flatness problem ◦ the monopole problem ◦ seeding large-scale perturbations Lasted long enough for the universe to expand by a factor of about e 60. 3Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
Inflation took place well above the energy scale of known physics (≫1 TeV); i.e. we have no idea what caused it. Can be simply modelled by a scalar field slowly rolling down a nearly flat potential; there are also innumerable more complicated models. 4Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
For a large class of single field inflationary models, we can write the field Lagrangian as ℒ=P(X,φ), where X≡-1/2g μν ∂ μ φ∂ ν φ. The speed of sound c s is defined (Garriga & Mukhanov 1999): We define three “slow variation parameters”: ; for “slow-variation” inflation, we assume them all to be small. Note that standard “slow-roll” inflation is included in “slow-variation” inflation. 10/12/2009 Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc5 Chen et al 2007
For single field inflation, the inflaton φ is a quantum field inside the horizon: For slow-variation inflation (Chen et al 2006): (I will use ≃ to indicate equality to lowest order in slow variation). 6Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
Fluctuations in the inflaton δφ are converted to perturbations in the spatial curvature ζ: ζ produces anisotropy in the CMB temperature and in the matter distribution. 7Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
For single field inflation, fluctuations freeze as they are stretched outside the horizon (Bardeen, Steinhardt, & Turner 1983). Later, the horizon expands and the modes reenter the horizon. 8
A straightforward calculation yields the power spectrum P ζ (k) of ζ: where (originally calculated, for c s ≠1, by Garriga and Mukhanov 1999) 10/12/2009 Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc9
Non-Gaussianity is determined by the connected part of three-point and higher cosmological correlation functions. Typically, theoretical results are calculated using in-in formalism: Weinberg 2005 Similar to typical QFT “out-in” scattering; e.g., we ultimately let t→t(1+iε) (as t nears -∞) in order to calculate in the interacting vacuum. 10 Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
In 2003, Maldacena calculated the bispectrum for single field slow-roll inflation: Others (notably Seery et al 2005 and Chen et al 2007) later calculated the bispectrum for more general kinetic terms (slow variation inflation). 11Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
Maldacena (2003) used his explicit result for the bispectrum (in single field slow-roll inflation) to find a bispectrum formula in the “squeezed limit” (k 3 ≪k 1 ≈k 2 ): Creminelli and Zaldarriaga (2004) found a straightforward kinematic argument that generalized this result (unchanged) to the case of any (even non-canonical) single field inflation. This result holds regardless of kinetic term, vacuum state, or form of potential. 12 10/12/2009 power spectrum spectral tilt
The consistency relation involves measurable quantities: trispectrum, power spectrum P ζ (k), and spectral tilt n s. Assuming local form for non-Gaussianity (Komatsu and Spergel 2001): ζ= ζ g +3/5f NL ζ g 2, we find f NL =5/12 (1-n s ). Observationally: n s =0.960 ± 0.013 (68% CL) (Komatsu et al 2009). f NL =38±21 (68% CL) (Smith et al 2009) It does not look like f NL =5/12 (1-n s )=0.017. If this holds up, we have ruled out single field inflation! 13
Expand We want to find the correlation as k 3 ≪k 1 ≈k 2. In comoving gauge, the metric is: ds 2 = -dt 2 +e 2ζ(x) a 2 (t)dx 2. For small distances (i.e. corresponding to the length scales of the k 1, k 2 modes), ζ k3 is approximately constant; thus, we can consider the effect of ζ k3 as a rescaling of the scale factor: a eff (t)=e ζ k3 (x) a(t). 14 10/12/2009 Maldacena 2003 Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc
Any measurable quantity f can ultimately only be a function of physical (not comoving) distance, so: Figure adapted from a talk by Komatsu 2009. Remember: a eff (t)=e ζ k3 (x) a(t) Creminelli and Zaldarriaga 2004, Cheung et al 2008
Expanding in terms of the background field ζ k3 16Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009 Creminelli and Zaldarriaga 2004, Cheung et al 2008 Fourier Transform |Δx| ≈ 1/k 1,1/k 2
Finally, we correlate the result with ζ k3 : as desired. 17Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009 Creminelli and Zaldarriaga 2004, Cheung et al 2008
The important thing to note is that we made no assumptions except that we could expand in terms of a single background field ζ k3. Thus, the relation holds for any single field inflation model. 18Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009 Creminelli and Zaldarriaga 2004, Cheung et al 2008
The connected part of the four-point correlation function: With respect to the bispectrum, provides independent information about inflation Single field calculations include Seery & Lidsey 2007 and Seery, Sloth, Vernizzi 2009 (canonical slow-roll inflation), Chen et al 2009 and Arroja et al 2009 (non- canonical slow-variation inflation). 19Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
We only have a non-zero trispectrum when Σ i k i =0. Thus, the wavenumbers form a closed quadrilateral. We name certain configurations based on the relative length of sides: 20 10/12/2009
An argument like that for the bispectrum determines the trispectrum in the squeezed limit (Seery, Lidsey, & Sloth 2007): Again, these are measurable quantities and the relationship can be tested, potentially ruling out single field inflation. 21Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
There are three tree graphs that contribute to the trispectrum: Seery, Sloth, and Vernizzi 2009 found kinematic argument for scalar exchange and graviton exchange terms in the folded limit. 10/12/2009 Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc22
Expand in terms of ζ k12 : Note that ζ k34 =ζ k12. Thus, we can correlate ζk12, ζk12 over ζ k12 : Thus, SE =O(P ζ 3 ε 2 ) 23Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009 n s -1=O(ε); ε≈10 -2 Diagram:
An essentially identical argument for graviton exchange yields: This term goes as O(P ζ 3 ε), so it’s dominant over the scalar exchange term (O(P ζ 3 ε 2 )). (χ 12,34 ≡ φ 1 - φ 3 is the angle between the projections of k 1 & k 3 on the plane orthogonal to k 12 ) 24Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009 Diagram: r=scalar-tensor ratio =O(ε)
10/12/2009 Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc25 Seery, Sloth, and Vernizzi 2009 determined that, in the folded limit, the scalar exchange (SE) and graviton exchange (GE) terms must give: Thus SE+GE ∝ P ζ (k 12 ) ∝ k 12 -3. For local form: ζ= ζ g +3/5f NL ζ g 2 +9/25g NL ζ g 3 we find τ NL =36/25f NL 2. If the contact interaction is sufficiently small, then f NL 2 =25/64r cos2χ 12,34. =O(ε 2 ) =O(ε)
For canonical slow-roll inflation Seery et al 2009 used the explicit form for the contact interaction as calculated in Seery, Lidsey, & Sloth 2007. They verified that the contact interaction is small in the folded limit; i.e. CI ∝ k 12 0. However, they don’t claim that CI term will be negligible in more general models. 26Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
27 later papers, which calculate the bispectrum for more general (slow- variation) single-field inflation models (e.g. Chen et al 2009 and Arroja et al 2009), contact interaction terms also don’t blow up in the folded limit. Let’s see why... 27Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
Whether kinematic or explicit, our calculations are done within the framework of the in-in formalism: where H I is the interaction Hamiltonian in the interaction picture and ζ I is ζ in the interaction picture. 10/12/2009 Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc28
scalar exchange graviton exchange contact interaction the 3 connected tree diagrams correspond to terms from the in-in formalism: 10/12/2009 Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc29
Look at SE term: The bracketed term equals the sum of all fully contracted terms, where (Chen et al 2009): 30Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009 Note that the time variable t is uniquely given by the momentum variable (e.g. p’⇒(p’,t’) or k⇒(k,t)) Scalar exchange
All connected terms have the following (or equivalent) contractions: 1: 2: 3: 4: Then,. But, u(k 12 )∝k 12 -3/2, and we see each term has a factor u(k 12,t’)u * (k 12,t’’)∝k 12 -3. Thus, SE ∝k 12 -3. Scalar exchange 1 2 3 4
In the derivation, the essential point is having two connected vertices. Since the situation is identical with GE terms, GE ∝k 12 -3. Graphically, this effect is equivalent to the fact that the exchange terms have a propagator. 32Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009 GE SE
For connected terms, every ζ’ pi contracts with ζ ki, giving:. This time, there is no propagator to give a k 12 term. So far, it looks like CI terms have no k 12 factors. 33Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
Remember that in-in formalism also has a time integral: We still have to consider if this time integral can blow up in the folded limit, because then the contact interaction will contribute. 34Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009 h(η) = some scalar function of η
There may also be terms with u’, but the effect is identical. Being in folded limit (k 2 →k 1, k 4 →k 3 ) has no effect on the convergence of the integral. (Remember to calculate in the interacting vacuum: let η →η (1+iε).) 35Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009 From earlier:
Thus (as I observed), we can’t get large CI terms for slow-variation models. Unfortunately, it’s not clear this will be true for more exotic models. Generally speaking, it will probably hold in approximately De Sitter universes because then u∝e -ikη (Maldacena 2003). 36Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
As another consideration, does our conclusion about the time integral still hold if inflation takes place in a non Bunch- Davies vacuum? To represent a non Bunch-Davies vacuum, include negative frequency modes in u(k) (Chen et al 2009) : ; otherwise, the calculation is identical. Normally, C + =1, C - =0. 37Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
Even for canonical single field inflation, there is a term (Seery, Lidsey, & Sloth 2007): This yields a time integral: This term diverges (actually, there will be some cutoff time for the integral so the term will be finite but it can still be very large). So, CI terms can blow up for non Bunch- Davies vacuums. 38Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009 folded limit
Squeezed limit: True consistency relation: will always hold. Folded limit: Will hold for slow-variation inflation and a Bunch-Davies vacuum. 39Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
Try to generalize my result for the folded limit beyond slow-variation inflation. Resolve a question about potential contamination of the trispectrum in the squeezed limit for the case of a non- standard kinetic term. Further explore the implications of the trispectrum consistency relations for observation of g NL and τ NL ; can they be large for single-field inflation and, if so, when? 40Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc 10/12/2009
Verifying a second consistency relation for the trispectrum. Jonathan Ganc41
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