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DEVELOPING A CULTURE OF LEADERSHIP Welcome!. What’s Happening with Leadership? Latest research …Positioning for the Future is Critical.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPING A CULTURE OF LEADERSHIP Welcome!. What’s Happening with Leadership? Latest research …Positioning for the Future is Critical."— Presentation transcript:


2 What’s Happening with Leadership? Latest research …Positioning for the Future is Critical

3 Strategic Thinkers Are No Longer An Option

4 Leadership Shortage 53% of the companies surveyed said there is a shortage of leadership bench strength in their companies…

5 So What are Best Practices in Building Leadership Strength?

6 Narrow Knowledge Gap Question 1: What are the most effective ways to narrow the gap between staff and leaders? How are you currently measuring the success of your efforts?

7 Leave Home Without It Question 2: What are the most unique and radical ways companies are ensuring that connectivity has boundaries so that staff and management see value in organic growth of leadership skills?

8 Marching to Different Drums and IPODS Question 3: With at least three generations of workers, can they happily and productively co-exist? How do you engage them now to be the leaders you need for the future?

9 Calling All Innovative Leaders Question 4: What are the real competencies today for leaders? How do you develop them in the most unique and innovative ways? How do you create a culture that breeds fantastic, future focused, strategic thinking and enlightened leaders?

10 7 Factors for Employee Success 1. A culture of openness 2. Opportunities to use their talent and skills 3. A level of autonomy 4. An environment that supports the best in people 5. A realization that the company has a winning future/vision and direction 6. A level of appreciation and recognition for work well done 7. Leadership that exemplifies expectations

11 Employee Engagement Yin: Listen to others and help them get rid of "employee" mentality Yang: Inspire, challenge imagination

12 Leadership “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” Stephen Covey

13 Thank you for your time today!

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