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Agri ProFocus Agri-Hub Ethiopia Achievement of the Agri-Hub Ethiopia in 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Agri ProFocus Agri-Hub Ethiopia Achievement of the Agri-Hub Ethiopia in 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agri ProFocus Agri-Hub Ethiopia Achievement of the Agri-Hub Ethiopia in 2012

2 Gender Coaching The gender coaching works along three lines Publish a book of case studies: ChaChaCha Publish a Toolkit on Gender on Value Chains Coach three program in mainstreaming gender aspects in value chain development An active gender ning


4 Finance Fairs Two Finance Fair were organised Active partners were Woord en Daad, Terrafina, ICCO, Jimma and Hawassa University, ScopeInsight, USAID, Technoserve, FC, SNV, five cooperatives, some ten banks and four MFIs Two catalogues were made in which financial service providers and capacity builders explain their products and services 700 farmers visited the fairs 25 organisations had a booth on the fairs A concept paper on “The mission middle” was written and nine papers were presented on this topic New players have shown an interest; o.a. ATA, AEMFI and the University of Bahir Dar with the ISSD program.


6 Rural BDS 1.As a follow up to the Ethiopian Learning Alliance cases on Rural Business Development Services were described and analysed 2.A writeshop was organised with KIT and people from other Agri-Hubs. “The business of business services”. Will be published in March 2013 3.How Ethiopian BDS-services shift from an urban bias to include rural dimension was presented and discussed at the CTA conference “Making the Connextions” in Addis Ababa

7 Food Security and Rural Entrepreneurship Fund 1.RNE- APF Arnhem - ICCO – AHE- KIT 2.A fund of 6.6 million Euro until 2016 3.Two products 1.Innovation Fund 2.Matching Grant Fund 4.ICCO is legally responsible 5.Implementation by independent Fund Man. Office 6.AHE will be responsible David Kamukama will explain all details this afternoon

8 Thanks!! Contact Agri-ProFocus Netherlands : Tel: +31 (0)26 3542074 Email: Agri-Hub Ethiopia : Fair & Sustainable Ethiopia Tel: +251 (0) 11 467 1059 Email:

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