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Internet Fundamentals and Web Page Design Day 1. Agenda  Roll Call  Introduction  BlackBoard Overview  Syllabus Review  Classroom contract  Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Fundamentals and Web Page Design Day 1. Agenda  Roll Call  Introduction  BlackBoard Overview  Syllabus Review  Classroom contract  Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Fundamentals and Web Page Design Day 1

2 Agenda  Roll Call  Introduction  BlackBoard Overview  Syllabus Review  Classroom contract  Class Web Site  Understanding the Internet, the Web and HTML. 10/26/2015© Tony Gauvin, UMFK 2004 2

3 INSTRUCTOR  Tony Gauvin, Associate Professor of E- Commerce  Contact info  216 Nadeau   (207) 834-7519 or ext 7519 10/26/2015© Tony Gauvin, UMFK 2004 3

4 Instructional Philosophy  Out-Come based education  Would rather discuss than lecture  Requires student preparation  Hate grading assignments  Especially LATE assignments  Use class interaction, assignments, quizzes and projects to determine if outcomes are met. 10/26/2015© Tony Gauvin, UMFK 2004 4

5 COS 125 Survival Primer  Read Material BEFORE the class discussion  Check Blackboard Often  Use the additional resources identified in syllabus  ASK questions about what you didn’t understand in readings  DON’T do assignments and projects at last minute.  REVEIW lectures and notes  Seek HELP if you are having difficulties  OFFER feedback and suggestions to the instructor in a constructive manner 10/26/2015© Tony Gauvin, UMFK 2004 5

6 Computer Accounts  Computer login  Sys admin  Pete Cyr (x7547) or Art Drolet (x7809)  Applications  MSDN Academic Alliance  Free Stuff  See Dr Ray Albert  Access Cards  $10 deposit  See Lisa Fournier 10/26/2015© Tony Gauvin, UMFK 2004 6

7 BlackBoard   Login  Same as your account  Help with Blackboard available from Blake Library staff  All quizzes and assignments will be administered from blackboard  Class website  10/26/2015© Tony Gauvin, UMFK 2004 7

8 Syllabus review  Requirements  Grading  Course outline  Special Notes  Subject to change 10/26/2015© Tony Gauvin, UMFK 2004 8

9 What is the “web” ??  “ Gutenberg press of our time”  Minimally structured, minimally regulated and unmediated  Very accessible  Underlying protocol is HTTP & HTML (or HTML variants)  The range of technologies is from very simple to very complicated  If you can you use a word processor, you can create a web page

10 Microsoft Word  Can automatically create web pages  Problems  “bloat” code  Proprietary code  Good for quick jobs  Bad for anything that has to be maintained over time

11 Microsoft Word as a Web Page Design Tool  Select “new” from file menu  Select “blank web page”  Type out web page  Add graphics  Save as “Web Page (*htm;*html)”  If you use graphics, Word will create a folder with the graphic files  tm tm

12 COS 125 Web Site 

13 Ftp using Windows Explorer  In address bar   Login with the same info you used to login in to lab computers  Select COS 125 folder  Select the folder with your first name  Moving files  Drag and drop files  Use menu edit copy/paste  Click on file and right mouse for context menu

14 Browser Wars  1994 Netscape  Created multimedia extensions  Became most popular browser  1996 Microsoft  Created its own set of non-standard extensions  For Web designers this became a mess!  Had to create two of everything

15 Standards  HTML 3.2  First try at standards  Ended browser wars except for frames  HTML4 and CSS  Deprecated elements  Cascading Style Sheets  XML and xHTML  XML creates other languages  xHTML is HTML written in XML

16 Today  Webpage Design  xHTML, HTML 4.0 and CSS  >95% Browser Compliance  Opera 9 is best  IE 7 is worst  xHTML  Stronger and more flexible  Stricter  3 Flavors  Transitional  Frameset  Strict

17 The Browser Wars 2.0  The war is returning, with 4 popular (and free) browsers for the Windows platform (even more for Mac and Linux)  IE 7 (version 8 is in Beta) IE 7 (version 8 is in Beta)  FireFox 3 FireFox 3  Opera 9 Opera 9  Chrome Chrome

18 What we are going do  Use xHTML & CSS  More current  More useful for large sites  Learning xHTML means you've learnt HTML too (same vocabulary, different syntax)  In Dreamweaver “new document” dialog  Check “Make Document XHTML Compliant”  Web Site 

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