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APS Teacher Evaluation Module 10: Interim and Summative Evaluations.

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Presentation on theme: "APS Teacher Evaluation Module 10: Interim and Summative Evaluations."— Presentation transcript:

1 APS Teacher Evaluation Module 10: Interim and Summative Evaluations

2 APS Teacher Evaluation Process Overview Lesson Plans Writes SMART Goal Document Log ObservationsMid-YearEvaluation Monitors Lesson Plans WritesCompilesParticipates ApprovesReviewsConductsFacilitates Annual Cycle

3 Evaluation Schedule

4 Interim Performance Report Continuing Contract Teachers in Years 1 and 2 of the Evaluation Cycle For each standard check evident or not evident If “not evident” is selected the evaluator should provide comments or suggestions If a standard is evident the evaluator may comment or provide examples.

5 Summative Evaluation Report Part-time, Probationary, and Continuing Contract Teachers in Year 3 of the cycle Evaluators rate the teacher on each performance standard AND provide a single summative rating Summative ratings apply the rating for each of the seven performance expectations, with the most significant weight given to Standard 7 If Developing/Needs Improvement of Ineffective is selected the evaluation should provide comments. If Effective or Highly Effective is selected the evaluator may provide comments.

6 The principal/evaluator and the teacher maintain records of the teacher’s practice. The evaluator retains copies of the following at the school/worksite: – Documentation Log with cover sheet and evidence (including SMART Goal and Professional Activities Summary) – Observation Form(s) – Interim and Summative Evaluation Forms Annually, site administrators send the appropriate end of year form (summative or interim) to Human Resources by the end of June. Record Keeping

7 “Arlington Public Schools will provide every student with highly effective educators that have the necessary tools to positively impact student learning and growth.” APS Teacher Evaluation Vision Since 1999

8 APS Teacher Evaluation A Process for Student and Teacher Growth

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