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Chaires Outreach Jeff Kight Maria Dahlstrom. Our Group: Leaders: ◦Jeff Kight ◦Maria Dahlstrom Members: ◦Brice Pinson ◦Milton Ramer ◦James Hopkins ◦Madison.

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Presentation on theme: "Chaires Outreach Jeff Kight Maria Dahlstrom. Our Group: Leaders: ◦Jeff Kight ◦Maria Dahlstrom Members: ◦Brice Pinson ◦Milton Ramer ◦James Hopkins ◦Madison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chaires Outreach Jeff Kight Maria Dahlstrom

2 Our Group: Leaders: ◦Jeff Kight ◦Maria Dahlstrom Members: ◦Brice Pinson ◦Milton Ramer ◦James Hopkins ◦Madison Allen

3 Summary Outreach Program with the Chaires Elementary STEM Club Provided activities and lessons for the children Assisted them in working on and finishing assignments and projects

4 Deliverables/Goals Meet at Chaires 5 consecutive times Provide an understanding of technology through interactive activities and lessons Create fun & interesting projects for the kids to work on and complete ◦That coincide with what they are doing in class Make sure they have fun and enjoy the lessons!

5 Time Line 1 st visit – 10/24/13 ◦Computer Guts, Computer Etiquette & PowerPoint 2 nd visit – 10/31/13 ◦HTML & Web Design 3 rd visit – 11/07/13 ◦Web Design & PowerPoint Catchup 4 th visit – 11/14/13 ◦iMovie 5 th visit – 11/21/13 ◦Project Catchup

6 Leadership & Teamwork Split up leadership of lessons ◦Gave everyone a chance to lead/run an activity Had 1-2 people leading while the others helped the kids through the lesson Tried to distribute work load evenly & fairly

7 What Did We Do? Stayed true to our timeline & goals Completed three main projects ◦Animal PowerPoints ◦Book Report Video ◦Animal Website Exceeded expectations & received positive feedback

8 Long Term Planning Add more visits Go more in-depth in future topics Possibly have more group members Cover future topics Mrs. Perez requested ◦Video Game Design ◦Programing



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