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Cloverdale School Improvement Plan Bobbie Hayes Goodrum, Principal.

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Presentation on theme: "Cloverdale School Improvement Plan Bobbie Hayes Goodrum, Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloverdale School Improvement Plan Bobbie Hayes Goodrum, Principal

2 Getting Connected  Go to and login  Select “My School Improvement” under the “MDE” drop down

3 Select SIP (Open) 2010- 2011

4 The Instructions Section briefly outlines the general requirements for the plan

5 Review/ Input your Institutional Information, Vision, Mission and Beliefs



8 You must have three approved goals. Your local district may have subject requirements. Select “Manage Goals” to proceed to the Goal Details section.

9 Once you are in the Goal details section you can either “unapprove” one of your goals from last year or select “add new goal”. Once you are in the details sections be sure to complete each tab.

10 Select a goal source (I selected Continuous Improvement as my goal is not generated from my Ed Yes)

11 Select a Goal content area (I have one ELA goal, one Math goal and one Science goal, but there are many other options such as Career and Employability Skills)

12 Input information into the boxes as indicated. I was trained by our district SIP and assessment coordinator that the goal is a general statement and the Gap statement includes assessment data

13 Input cause for gap – which is the data on the gap that you are targeting as a school. Cloverdale has a gap based on mobility (I had to disaggregate this data by hand). Other schools create statements based on other factors such as race, gender, socio- economic status, etc…

14 After you input the goal, you must develop at least one measureable objective (Our team decided to increase our aggregate and non- ambulatory proficiency rates by 7%)


16 Each objective must have at least one strategy.

17 You must select at least one target area for your strategy, based on your activities and expectations


19 Each strategy must include at least one activity


21 The Resource Profile is developed based on the resources you stated you needed when you input your activity details

22 You must also input your team members and answer questions about your SIP development process


24 You must input the name of someone in your district who is responsible for “non- discrimination” as it relates to students. Most likely the Specialized Student Services director or whoever handles the 504s.

25 The conclusion asks questions about PLCs, fiscal resources and technology


27 General Info  We relied heavily on MI-Access data because it was really the only quantitative data we had available  As a school, our activities last year were focused strongly on ELA and we made great strides in that area, so this year I am going to mandate specific math and science activities that must be done on a weekly (science) or daily basis  This year it was very easy to do the SIP because all of my data carried over from last year and I only had to make slight changes to my numbers and some of my activities  We review the SIP as a school during school PD days and the teachers’ weekly PLC meetings include a question guide that focuses the conversations around the objectives indicated in the plan.

28 QUESTIONS?  Call me at 248-761-1233 if you have any questions or email me at THANK YOU!!!

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