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Houston-Galveston- Brazoria Conformity Commitments Shelley Whitworth H-GAC.

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1 Houston-Galveston- Brazoria Conformity Commitments Shelley Whitworth H-GAC

2 TCMs  SIP commitment  Requirement in SIP for regions designated above moderate nonattainment  Purpose is to reduce emissions from transportation sources  Each project has an emission estimate  Receive priority for timely funding so that commitments can be implemented in a timely manner

3 VMEPs  SIP commitment  Can result in on and off road reductions  Allow reduction credits for voluntary actions through incentives in areas where mandates are not possible or desirable  Mandates a bottom line reduction or commitment

4 Current H-GAC Managed VMEP/SIP Commitments  Commute Solutions –Telework –NuRide –Regional Vanpool  Clean Air Action  Clean Cities/Vehicle Program SIP commits to reductions of VOCs by 0.8 tpd and NOx by 7.0 tpd through VMEPs (4 tpd are on- road reductions).

5 Committed VMEPs  All current VMEP commitments can be found below  Total commitments:Total reductions to date: –NOx: 1820 tpy- NOx: 1326 tpy MeasureDescription VOC Commitment [Reduction to Date] NOx Commitment [Reduction to Date] Regional Computerized Traffic Signal System Average speed on local streets increased by 21% 7.8 tpy [7.8 tpy] 7.8 tpy [7.8 tpy] Locomotives/ Clean Air Action MOA 26.0 tpy [26.0 tpy] 520.0 tpy [520.0 tpy] Commercial Marine/ Clean Air Action Tugs/Tows–MOA Ferries–MOA 0.0 tpy 286.0 tpy 0.0 tpy Vehicle Scrappage/ Clean Air Action Emission reductions through repair or replacement of high emitting vehicles. 26.0 tpy [2.1 tpy] 28.6 tpy [1.8 tpy]

6 Committed VMEPs (cont.) MeasureDescription VOC Commitment [Reduction to Date] NOx Commitment [Reduction to Date] Smoking Vehicle/ Clean Air Action TCEQ program –marketing and advertising by H-GAC 10.4 tpy [10.4 tpy] 13.0 tpy [13.0 tpy] Clean Cities / Vehicles Program Public and private heavy-duty engine/vehicle replacement/ retrofit 52 tpy [small] 884 tpy [751.4 tpy] Commute Solutions Van pools, additional transit, alternative commuting, and other initiatives 104 tpy [109.2 tpy] 78 tpy [104 tpy] Total Emission Reduction 226 tpy [156 tpy] 1820 tpy [1326 tpy] Total On-road Emission Reduction 200 tpy [130 tpy] 1011 tpy [878 tpy]

7  Provides “one-stop” alternative transportation resources for both commuters and businesses  Provides advice, answers and assistance on commuting options and employee transportation programs  Promotes transit, ridesharing, vanpooling, commuter services and other commuting options Commute Solutions

8 Regional Vanpool  The Regional Vanpool Program is one of the largest in the nation  As of January 2007: –6,995 persons are riding in the METROVan and miniPOOL programs –4,905,433 VMT reduced monthly

9 NuRide  NuRide is an innovative commuting service that rewards people who share rides via the NuRide website  The Houston NuRide market has become the largest in the nation.  It has surpassed the state of Virginia, the state of Connecticut, Long Island, NY, and Washington, D.C.  As of February 2007: –6249 persons have signed up for the program –391,658 reduced car trips –8,351,214 VMT reduced –5.48 tons of NOx reduced since July 2005

10 Telework  The Houston Telework Program currently tracks 1424 teleworkers with an additional teleworkers coming soon  Total of 2,059,816 driving miles saved per year  Total reduction of 1.91 tons of NOx and 2.3 tons of VOC annually

11 Best Workplaces for Commuters  Employers that provide commuter benefits can apply to be on the list for “Best Workplaces for Commuters”, an EPA program  Houston-Galveston has: –Reduced over 300 tons of NOx –Saved > 12 million gallons of fuel –Save $28 million in fuel costs –Reduced drive-alone commuting by 266 million miles  Houston currently has 114 participating companies including many Fortune 500 members

12 Clean Air Action  Promotes all VMEP SIP commitments through marketing, education and outreach.  Additionally, promotes greater participation in: –Commute Solutions (Vanpool, Telework, NuRide) –Clean Cities –Clean Fleets –AERCO (Clean School Bus Program) –Clean Vehicles Program

13 Clean Cities  Funded under Clean Air Action  Compliments the Clean Vehicles program  Mission is three-fold –Reduce vehicle emissions by promoting new technologies and the use of alternative fuels –Reduce dependence on foreign oil  Outreach efforts include: –Stakeholder meetings –Quarterly newsletter –Educational website –Advancing the Choice event

14 TERP  SIP commitment  Was created to provide grants and other incentives  Administered by the TCEQ  To reach the Texas SIP goals, the TERP grant program will have to be successful.

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