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REGIONAL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING For discussion at CTE Network Professional Development February 4, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "REGIONAL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING For discussion at CTE Network Professional Development February 4, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 REGIONAL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING For discussion at CTE Network Professional Development February 4, 2009

2 Oregon Department of Education Goals Understand levels of accountability Who has to do what for whom? Begin to form ideas around the tools needed for program improvement planning What do I need to make this a usable tool for improvement? Brainstorm strategies for program improvement Where do I start and who do I need?

3 Oregon Department of Education Program Improvement purpose The purpose of program improvement is to apply a strategy that effects positive change in student performance in response to data analysis. The goal of program improvement is to enhance CTE student technical and academic achievement.

4 Oregon Department of Education

5 Continuous Improvement WHY Increase student performance Increase student retention Increase student employability Improve coherent and rigorous program design Effective program design for student achievement WHAT Perkins annual review and reports Student & program performance data Program approval & renewal Perkins Application District CIP School SIP

6 Oregon Department of Education Continuous Improvement WHO Regional CTE Consortia and stakeholders Career Pathways/Program of Study partners Workforce development partners & advisory committees ODE and CCWD Perkins and program review staff HOW Professional development Dedicated resources from Reserve funds Targeted technical assistance District CIP School SIP

7 Oregon Department of Education

8 data Feedback Model ODE Technical Assistance Cycle Regional Improvement & Technical Assistance Cycle Local Improvement Planning Cycle data reports Resources

9 Oregon Department of Education Don’t lose the good stuff!

10 Oregon Department of Education

11 Improvement Strategy Questions Is improvement needed for specific Career Cluster or Program of Study? Or all areas? Which performance measure needs addressing? Who are the school/district/business/other partners with the most investment and expertise in this area needing improvement?

12 Oregon Department of Education Improvement Strategy Questions What are possible research-based strategies that could be applied for performance improvement? What outcomes do you predict for this strategy? Can other funds besides Perkins be used?

13 Oregon Department of Education Local Improvement Plan example How can you frame your strategies clearly?

14 Oregon Department of Education ‘Take Aways’ Data is the basis for decisions regarding improvement planning The State has a technical assistance model used to report to the Feds Local/Regional entities must have a plan for technical assistance and program improvement Consider school/district/local and other resources that can be leveraged for results and funding

15 Oregon Department of Education Next Steps Share effective practices for improvement  What works for literacy?  What works for math?  What works for retention? Brainstorm who your partners are for each performance measure area  Curriculum coordinator  Reading specialist  Counselor  ODE academic content specialist  District CIP/SIP personnel

16 Oregon Department of Education Next Steps cont. Network and develop a community of practice around regional improvement models  Who coordinates the SIP? CIP?  Can you reinforce strategies already in place?  Are there regions with your same concerns? Knit everything together for student achievement and success  We know CTE works--do we know how and why it works?  How do we use each other to identify successful practices?

17 Oregon Department of Education Small Group Brainstorm ‘Leaders’--can you isolate your successful strategies and share? ‘Learners’--can you isolate your challenges and barriers to success? Who/where can you go to for more information? What do you need to implement new strategies? Come back and share with the large group Remember there is no magic bullet!

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