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Mayans. Time Period 250 -1500 AD Location Modern day MEXICO Yucatan Peninsula.

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Presentation on theme: "Mayans. Time Period 250 -1500 AD Location Modern day MEXICO Yucatan Peninsula."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mayans

2 Time Period 250 -1500 AD

3 Location Modern day MEXICO Yucatan Peninsula

4 Government Priests were sometimes rulers Aristocratic Nobility (Wealthy people ruled)

5 Economy Drained marshes to create more farmland Terrace farming (steps on hills) Traded honey, salt and cacao Cities were market places Obviously had a SURPLUS OF FOOD to support the population which led to……specialized JOBS

6 Language Hieroglyphs (symbols instead of letters) Carved on columns of temples & tombs

7 `Religion Priests were the MOST important people. Polytheistic 365-day calendar based on stars Pyramid temples Gods controlled nature and weather

8 Technology Advanced Math: use of number zero Master builders of cities Pyramids 2 calendars Weavers Terrace farming

9 Decline @ 900…Mayans began deserting their cities By 1500, Spaniards had conquered what was left

10 Aztecs

11 Time Period 1300-1520

12 Location Mexico Tenochtitlan “Place of the Prickly Pear” North and West of the Mayan Empire

13 Government Tenochtitlan…capital city 100,000 citizens Warriors Trade and Conquest Tribute (tax) was paid by conquered peoples Rigid class system that included slaves

14 Economy Well-stocked outdoor markets Chinampas…floating gardens (how humans interact w/environment) Corn, Squash, Beans, tomatoes, sweet potato Parks, zoos, schools, barbershops Traded far distances

15 Language Record-keeping in books filled with bark pages

16 Religion Polytheistic Sun God was most important Priests kept a history of the Aztecs Priests were teachers HUMAN SACRIFICES to the gods

17 Technology Causeways: raised highways over water Aqueducts Stone pyramids Jewelry Chinampas

18 Decline Conquered by Hernan Cortes, a Spanish conquistador in 1520.

19 Inca

20 Time Period 1200-1500

21 Location Andes Mts. Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina Largest Empire in MesoAmerica

22 Government Totalitarian: Ruler has TOTAL control Well-organized Powerful army of warriors Inca is the name given to the ruler Ruler controlled ALL goods and services

23 Economy Terrace Farming Food surplus allowed for specialized jobs Grew: corn, potatoes, cotton, squash, beans, cocao Llama and alpaca meat was eaten and used for labor

24 Language Newly conquered people had to learn the language

25 Religion Polytheistic Inti---Sun God was most highly revered and worshipped. Why?

26 Technology Irrigation Canals Extensive roads Many bridges Terrace farming Stone steps on mountain sides Stone houses with grass roofs Drainage systems Postal service

27 Decline Unrest throughout the empire after the 9 th ruler (Inca) died…..left them weak and open for attack Conquered by Spain in early 1500’s Fransisco Pizarro conquers them.

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