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A CPD led approach to school improvement in mathematics: how we do it and the lessons we have learned.

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Presentation on theme: "A CPD led approach to school improvement in mathematics: how we do it and the lessons we have learned."— Presentation transcript:

1 A CPD led approach to school improvement in mathematics: how we do it and the lessons we have learned

2 Secondary Mathematics Teaching & Learning Consultants


4 Vision To empower those who work in schools to be outstanding practitioners, able to motivate and prepare young people to influence and respond positively to a changing world.

5 Practices (Ways of working) We: will always agree a personalised contract with each school working closely with SLT, SIP, NCA, AO, SL will support locality working and develop other networking opportunities to provide the best value for money and to help schools to share each others’ experience will encourage calculated risk taking, in order to be creative, inspirational, innovative and enterprising will work collaboratively with other EB colleagues and external partners to secure the benefits of shared experience and expertise, by working across all teams to maximise synergy, avoid duplication and omissions

6 Burning Questions How do you identify schools’ needs? What actions do you take? What impact have you had and how do you know? (Where schools are, where they need to go, how do they get there, how do they know they have got there, how can they do it better?)

7 Transforming Learning Service Cycle of Support


9 Teachers’ subject knowledge, pedagogic skills and classroom practice Many secondary teachers Many primary teachers The best teachers

10 Mathematics – Medium to Long Term Planning

11 See handouts for examples of: Improvement Plan Invitation letter to SLs Flyer to SLs Evaluation form for SLs

12 Calendar of Events: Mathmagogy, Progression, Assessment See handout (s) Model good practice using rich activities and link to Ofsted grades, Learning Objectives, Probing Questions, Key Processes, Reasoning Frames & TDA standards Participants take the activity to use back in school (gap task) with a sharp focus. E.g. pupil dialogue, engagement, group work Participants are supported in classrooms and running their own CPD sessions by mentoring/coaching and using the Plan-Teach-Review model Evaluations to inform our future planning

13 Consultant Feedback For teachers – see handout For consultants – see handout

14 Impact in KS3 %L6+: Bradford 2003 – 37%, 2008 – 49% National 2003 – 49%, 2008 – 57%

15 Impact in KS4 5A*-C inc. En & Ma continue to rise faster than the national rate. %A*-C in Mathematics: Bradford 2003 – 36%, 2010 – 52% National 2003 – 48%, 2010 – 63%?? A*-C in Maths continue to rise year on year.

16 Q&A?

17 Secondary Mathematics Teaching & Learning Consultants

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