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Workgroup #3 High Impact Energy Efficiency Initiatives John Savage Stan Price.

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Presentation on theme: "Workgroup #3 High Impact Energy Efficiency Initiatives John Savage Stan Price."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workgroup #3 High Impact Energy Efficiency Initiatives John Savage Stan Price

2 Two Central Areas of Focus  Where are the new or partially mined end use efficiencies to focus program efforts  How are we currently constrained in going deeper and faster in current end use efficiency markets

3 Key Attributes  Magnitude of savings potential is large (scale issue)  2. Comprehensive to customer needs  3. Leverages funding, capabilities, and/or interest of others (partnership potential)  4. Acceptable level of risk balanced with savings opportunity and innovation  5. Replicability of idea across markets and regional geography  6. Benefits for regional collaboration and cooperation

4 Common Themes  1. A means for making customer financing available for projects  2. Regional consistency in program offerings  3. Fuel blind programs  4. Long term development of market relationships  5. Energy savings credit for education and technical assistance  6. Sufficient commitment to funding for energy efficiency

5 Residential  Plug loads  New construction (path to net zero)  Education and behavioral programs  New financing approaches  Low income households

6 Commercial  Data centers/server rooms/info technology  New construction (path to net zero)  Tenant improvements in CRE  Target market programs  Code and standard development  E&T  Organizational business practices

7 Industrial  Education and behavior change programs  Tailored industry programs  New financing programs

8 Additional Considerations  Ongoing regional forum for practitioners to discuss program design and delivery  Closely monitor public policy process and use utility influence to support and affect direction  Research the reason for the gap between technically available conservation and that which is “achievable”  Explore opportunities for distribution system efficiency

9 Next Steps  Refinement of ideas  Prioritization and recommendation

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