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Alcohol Influences: Date Rape

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1 Alcohol Influences: Date Rape
Allen vs Block

2 The Effects of Alcohol Alcohol use has major effect on the brain. The use of the substance can cause major changes in behavior and judgment. Having as little as four drinks can have a major negative impact; causing anxiety, fear and anger. Alcohol use can precede violence and dangerous acts that one might not commit if sober.

3 Background Information
On a Saturday night in May at Troy University, a student threw a party and provided alcohol to minors.

4 Melissa Block Twenty-two years old Student at Troy University
Lived in an apartment The person who threw the party and provided alcohol to minors

5 Nikki Allen 17 years old High school student
Close friends with Melissa Block The victim Drank and got drunk at a party resulting in her rape

6 Kyle Sowell 17 years old The brother of Melissa’s boyfriend Frank
Drank and got Nikki drunk Rapist

7 Frank Sowell Melissa’s boyfriend Kyle’s brother
He encouraged Kyle to get Nikki drunk so she would have sex with him.

8 Facts of the Case Melissa Block threw a party at her apartment at Troy University She bought alcohol for the party 17 year old Nikki Allen was invited to the party Melissa's boyfriend, Frank, brought his 17 year old brother, Kyle, to the party Melissa and Frank encouraged Nikki and Kyle to get to know each other and brought them beers and wine coolers throughout the night Around 11:00, Kyle and Nikki went outside in the backyard where Kyle raped Nikki Nikki ran away and called her sister who told her she would come home the next day to help Nikki tell her parents After Nikki told her parents they decided to press charges against Kyle and Melissa

9 Relevant Laws Civil Damages Act (1994): If someone suffers an injury by an intoxicated person in any way such as bodily harm It applies to the case because Kyle harms Nikki Social host liability and underage drinking: It is illegal for anyone under 21 to drink alcohol and it is illegal to sell, give, or provide alcohol to anyone under the age of 21. Melissa provides minors with alcohol

10 Steubenville Rape Case
Similar Cases Steubenville Rape Case google&v=SSmT2T9m-m8&safe=active&nomobile=1 Two football players were accused and found guilty of raping an underage girl under the influence of alcohol They recorded and put evidence of the rape online

11 Conclusion In conclusion, the courts decision most definitely was valid because Kyle was guilty in the case of criminal sexual assault in the second degree. Although Nikki’s parents sued Melissa, I believe that the court should have charged her with the distribution of alcohol to minors. Overall, the reasoning behind Kyle’s actions were due to Melissa’s choice of giving these minors alcohol.

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