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The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome …

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1 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome …

2 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Paul’s Letter To The Church In Rome Rom 1:17 The Just Shall Live By Faith

3 Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Outline  Introduction 1:1-17  Indictment of & remedy for sin 1:18 – 5:21  Anticipated questions re: justification by grace through faith 6:1 – 11:36 Lesson 1 – General Introduction

4 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29  Jews discussed specifically vv. 17-29  They saw themselves as “important”  Bear the name “Jew” v. 17  Boast in God v. 17 [compare to Gentile]  Rely on Law v. 17  Knew His will v. 18  Guide to the blind v. 18

5 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29  Jews discussed specifically vv. 17-29  They saw themselves as “important”  A light to those in darkness v. 19  Correct those who are foolish v. 20  Teach those who are immature v. 20  Not a commendation…Paul is exposing their hypocrisy

6 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29  Jews discussed specifically vv. 17-29  Paul exposes Jewish hypocrisy vv. 21-23  He lists specific commandments, asking if Jews had guilt re: identical behavior  Jewish hypocrisy was causing the Gentiles to blaspheme God v. 24 Isa 52:5

7 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29  Jews discussed specifically vv. 17-29  The Jew needed to see his hypocrisy and guilt equal to the Gentile vv. 25-27  Both guilty…both need Christ & the gospel  Eventually, the Jew will be judged by the Gentile who keeps the Law better than he does cp. v. 14

8 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29  Jews discussed specifically vv. 17-29  The “true Jew” vv. 28-29  Not the one who bore the physical (literal) outward sign of the covenant (circumcision)  The one who was changed inwardly…who had been circumcised of heart  Accomplished by the Spirit…not by letter

9 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Indictment #2 Ù Jews 2:1-29  Jews discussed specifically vv. 17-29  The “true Jew” vv. 28-29  Later, in 9:6-8, Paul again makes the point that being literal descendants of Abraham was not what God had in mind cp. Mt 3:9  In Christ, circumcision avails nothing Gal 6:12-15

10 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Applications From Rom 2:17-29  Substituting “Christian” for “Jew” in vv. 17-24 reminds us of the importance of living in an appropriate way before unbelievers who have “good morals”  When N.T. Christians fail to live as they should, their hypocrisy can (and often does) cause unbelievers to speak against the Lord’s church Mt 5:13-16 1 Pet 2:11-12  Jesus condemned “stumbling blocks” Mt 18:3-7

11 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Applications From Rom 2:17-29  Substituting “baptism” for “circumcision” in vv. 25-29 reminds us of the importance baptism plays after we arise from the watery grave  It’s supposed to be a “new life” 6:4  When one was circumcised, he was expected to live in accordance with the covenant when he became accountable  Likewise, after one has been baptized, he is expected to live in accordance with the covenant

12 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Applications From Rom 2:17-29  Substituting “baptism” for “circumcision” in vv. 25-29 reminds us of the importance baptism plays after we arise from the watery grave  Just because one had been circumcised didn’t mean everything was okay  Just because one has been baptized doesn’t everything is okay  The inside was supposed to be changed toward following God more faithfully 1 Pet 3:21

13 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Indictment #3 Ù Everyone 3:1-23  Paul now combines Jew & Gentile together  All are guilty of sin  All are in need of the same “remedy”  Law is not the Jews’ answer…nor will it continue excluding Gentiles Eph 2:11-12  Faith in Christ is available for ALL

14 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Indictment #3 Ù Everyone 3:1-23  Paul begins by dealing with an anticipated Jewish objection vv. 1-2  Based on what he had just presented 2:1-29  If the Jews were in the same position as the Gentiles, had God been unfair with them?  What about their “advantage?”

15 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Indictment #3 Ù Everyone 3:1-23  Paul begins by dealing with an anticipated Jewish objection vv. 1-2  They had an “advantage”…they had been entrusted with the oracles of God  The 1st covenant should have prepared them for Christ Jn 5:39-47 Gal 3:19-25

16 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome …

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