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Bell Ringer What map accurately displays the size of the world and why? 2 sentences B AC.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer What map accurately displays the size of the world and why? 2 sentences B AC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer What map accurately displays the size of the world and why? 2 sentences B AC

2 Welcome Class of 2015! Alphabetical Seating Chart New Students

3 Supply Check! Please take out your –Parent Signature Paper –Supplies

4 Paperwork Fill out Information sheet Fill out Consequence sheet

5 World Geography Tools of Geography Mrs. Duffy

6 components/docmgr/default.php?sectio ndetailid=36381&fileitem=5452&catfilter =1646

7 What is Geography? Geography is the study of the earth and the way people live on it and use it. 2 Parts –Physical Geography is the study of the Natural Landscape of the Earth wh –Cultural Geography is the study of the Human Landscape of the Earth

8 Physical v. Cultural Geography. Physical Geography Cultural Geography Rocks/Minerals Population/Settlements/Urbanizati on Landforms Economic and Political Systems Animal and Plant Life Transportation Soils Human Migration Atmosphere/Climate/Weather Social Systems EnvironmentRecreation Rivers/Oceans/Other bodies of Water Religion/Belief System

9 What types of jobs do geographers have (in the U.S.)? Location Analysts, for: franchises (like “Burger King”) stores (like big department stores) public facilities (like new schools) Environmental Scientists and Consultants GIS (computer mapping) Urban and Regional Planners Real Estate and Residential Development Analysts Transportation and Tourism Planners and Analysts University and public school teachers

10 Question What are some of the tools geographers use to describe the features of Earth?

11 Creating and using the tools of geography allow for more complete understanding of the world. Maps “the language of geography” Map – a flat, two dimensional representation of space

12 Important Features of a Map Title. Describes what the map is about. Compass Rose. Shows basic directions. Scale. Show what distances on the map represent. Legend. Indentifies what any symbols on the map represent.

13 Important Features of a Map

14 What are the main types of map projections and why are they needed? Conic, Cylindrical: Mercator, Robinson, & Homolosine Planar: Azimuthal

15 How may a map projection be misleading? How do geographers manipulate information using maps?

16 Types of maps Political Maps show major boundaries. Physical Maps show major physical features rivers, mountains, elevations. Thematic Maps show information relating to a particular theme (such as patterns related to specific ideas, data other than land area, and movement of people, things, and ideas) Population Density Maps shows where people in a certain area live. Resource or Product Maps shows natural resources, and agricultural and other products.





21 Location Specific place on the earth Describes where places are at on earth. Types of Location: –ABSOLUTE: exact location on earth (fixed) Doesn’t change –Latitude/Longitude –Hemispheres –Grid System – Address –RELATIVE: compared to other places (variable) Changes dependent upon where you’re comparing it to. –Miles –Distance –Direction

22 Latitude and Longitude Latitude run east to west and measure 0 (equator) to 90 (north and south pole) north to south Longitude run north to south and measure 0 (prime meridian) to 180 (international date line) east to west


24 Let’s Practice Together

25 You Practice Together Complete using Latitude and Longitude to find Locations and Distances. Read all instructions before you ask a question.

26 On Your Own Complete the graphic organizer and latitude and longitude scavenger hunt using latlong.html latlong.html

27 Closure Print or draw an example of all 5 type of map.

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