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Week 2 GLEs 1, 2, 3, 5.  A map is a flat image of a place on earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 2 GLEs 1, 2, 3, 5.  A map is a flat image of a place on earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 2 GLEs 1, 2, 3, 5


3  A map is a flat image of a place on earth.

4  A globe is a model of the earth.

5  Images taken of the earth from outer space.

6 An aerial photo is a photo taken of the earth from the air.

7 So why do people need maps and globes? People use maps and globes to see where things are located.

8 There are many kinds of maps!!! Political Maps Physical Maps Elevation Maps Climate/Precipitation Maps Population Maps Natural Resource Maps Grid Maps

9 A political map shows features of an area that human beings have created. Think borders!!!  Cities  Towns  States  Countries  Capitals

10  A physical map shows the landforms and bodies of water of an area.

11  An elevation map shows the height of different landforms and large human-made objects.  Elevation maps give us measurements.

12  A climate map shows average temperatures and rainfall for an area.

13 A natural resource map shows the natural resources of an area. Natural Resources are things that are found in nature. Examples of natural resources: 1.Coal 2.Water 3.Trees

14 Grid Maps have sets of vertical and horizontal lines. They form squares. You can find something by using letters and numbers.

15 Population Maps show population or how many people live in an area.


17 Key or legend  A key or legend is an area on the map that shows us what each symbol represents.

18 Symbols  Symbols are pictures that represent something.

19 Distance Scale  Scale is the section of the map that shows how much smaller the map is compared to the real area it represents.

20 Directions  Directions tell which way to go.

21 Compass Rose  A compass rose is a symbol on a map which indicates the directions for a map.

22 Cardinal Directions  North  South  East  West

23  Directions between North, South, East, and West ◦ Northeast NE ◦ Southeast SE ◦ Southwest SW ◦ Northwest NW


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