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CLIMATE CHANGE HEARINGS MamaEarth WADE The Democracy Foundation.

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1 CLIMATE CHANGE HEARINGS MamaEarth WADE The Democracy Foundation

2 FUNDAMENTALS To address the negatives outcomes, certain essentials are needed: An Enabling environment so that individuals and municipalities can do the right thing Co ordination of the activities of stakeholders in the process. A champion and high profile role models to lead the way.

3 RIGHT versus WRONG What is the right thing? It is to steer away from wasteful use of natural resources From inefficient use of dirty energy sources From centralized provision of energy by one utility Eskom, Towards Energy Efficiency Renewable energy Decentralized energy provision from multiple sources.

4 TARGETS The Integrated Resource Plan which is the framework within which energy planning is done Business as usual with regard to energy production. RE will supply a mere 700 MW of electricity to reach the measly target of 10 000 GWh of RE by 2013. 70 MW if target is cumulative. 40% will come from Solar Water geysers and 60% from electricity. The figure given to me by parliament’s research is that all we had installed by last year was approx 450 GWh of RE cumulatively over 5 years. ( 5%)

5 PROSPECTS???? So not only is our current performance dismal but the IRP aims at little better. Even the best scenario offered therein would not meet 50% of the LTMS target agreed to by cabinet.

6 SOLUTIONS Green Energy Act : –REFIT’s, solar water heating, access to and control of the grid; –overarching framework for the development of a strong RE industry. – My bill supported by other parliamentarian in eREACT could form the basis of this A national law should provide a framework for obligatory introduction of solar water geysers or heat pumps at local level. National building codes should be immediately reformed to cater to best environmental practices wherever possible, including to allow for municipal solar water by law. This is a task for SABS but someone has to push them to act quickly.

7 SOLUTIONS A model law for Municipalities - mandate introduction of SWH or heat pumps - purchase electricity made from bio-mass and feed it into the grid. The grid needs to be repaired and expanded. An international donor would surely fund a national review of the grid. Rules should be adopted allowing reverse metering of pv power into the grid with technical features that make this safe.

8 SOLUTIONS A working group or advisory panel could be appointed to bring representatives from the ministries involved in RE out of their silos, to bring energy planners out of hiding and to incorporate some NGOs, business representatives, academics and international financiers. They could also examine the financial assumptions in the IRP and provide input on the possibility of rapidly changing SA’s energy agenda.

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