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Presentation on theme: "MGT-519 STRATEGIC MARKETING AAMER SIDDIQI. LECTURE 01 INTRODUCTION."— Presentation transcript:



3 Business Graduate –MBA 2003, Specialization in Marketing and Management from Foundation University, Islamabad –BBA – Honours 2002, Specialization in Marketing from Foundation University, Islamabad –Awarded scholarships both MBA and BBA Working as Manager in B.L.Harbert International LLC Islamabad Senior HR Officer in Pakistan International Airlines Customer Services Officer in Albaraka Bank Ltd Visiting Faculty 3

4 COURSE REQUIREMENTS The students enrolling in this course should possess the basic knowledge of marketing As such they should have completed principles/fundamentals of marketing course

5 C OURSE D ESCRIPTION This course is basically designed to prepare the students to prepare a marketing strategy for a given product drawing from the knowledge that they have gained from the study of fundamentals of marketing. Analytical skills are developed first to analyze markets, competitors and macro environment. Then synthesis skills are sharpened to develop a marketing program i.e. product, price, promotion and channel distribution etc. Essentially this course enhances marketing management abilities and develop a managerial attitude in the students.

6 C OURSE O BJECTIVES After studying this course the students should be able to: Explain nature of strategic and tactical marketing planning. Analyze the internal and external marketing environment and assess strategic options in the light of environmental analysis. Describe the mission, vision and objectives of the company and the marketing department. Analyze customers and competitors as input to the strategy. Create marketing strategies pertaining to product, positioning, diversification, differentiation, pricing, distribution and promotion Devise an implementation plan including structure, people, feedback and control.

7 C OURSE C ONTENTS Chapter 1: What is Marketing Chapter 2: What can be Marketed Chapter 3: Marketing’s role in the business Chapter 4: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Chapter 5: Branding

8 C OURSE C ONTENTS (C ONT ’ D ) Chapter 6: The Marketing Mix Chapter 7: Product Management Chapter 8: Integrated Marketing Communications

9 S TRATEGIC M ARKETING W HAT IS M ARKETING M ARKETING : - “The social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others” — Philip Kotler “The processes of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual organizational objectives” — American Marketing Association

10 “The management process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably” – The Chartered Institute of Marketing

11 T HE 3 L EVELS OF M ARKETING L EVEL 1. Marketing a way of doing business. Top level of Marketing Marketing as a business philosophy Marketing today is not a function; it is a way of doing business In essence it’s the process by which a company decides what it will sell, to whom, when & how and then does it!

12 L EVEL 2. Marketing as Strategy. Segmentation – Targeting – Positioning (STP) –Segmentation: Deciding which customers to target –Targeting: Which customers to target –Positioning: Deciding what messages you want the Target to associate with the product Branding: central aspect to brand – Name –Image or perception. Link between attributes customers associate with a brand and how the brand owner wants the consumer to perceive the brand –Effective brand names build a connection between the brand’s personality as it is perceived by the target audience and the actual product/service

13 L EVEL 3. M ARKETING M IX – 4 P S. –P RODUCT –P RICE –P LACE –P ROMOTION Processes within a business that help create and deliver company’s products and services to the customer Day to day operational running of marketing, control of the Marketing Mix This level spans all aspects of a business and across all customer contact points

14 Marketing an ongoing process in a “dynamic” environment. Market tends to change—what customers want today is not necessarily what they want tomorrow.  This process involves both planning and implementing (executing) the plan. To summarise then we can see that a simple definition of marketing would be: - “The right product, in the right place, at the right time, at the right price,”.

15 T HE V ALUE OF M ARKETING - N EEDS, U TILITY, E XCHANGE R ELATIONSHIPS & D EMAND Fundamental idea of marketing- Organisations survive and prosper through meeting the needs and wants of customers, commonly known as the MARKETING CONCEPT –A philosophy and business orientation about matching a company's capabilities with customers’ wants. –The matching process takes place in what is called MARKETING ENVIRONMENT –Involves both strategic and tactical marketing within the organisation’s structure –A truly marketing oriented business, structurally designed to facilitate the Marketing Concept as a philosophy and as a way of operating.

16 U NDERSTANDING N EEDS, W ANTS & D EMAND Need: a basic requirement that an individual has to satisfy to continue to exist Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 5 level Pyramid Higher needs only come into focus when lower needs are met Once individual moved to next level, needs in lower level no longer prioritized. If a lower set of needs are deficient; temporarily re-prioritize those needs but will not permanently regress to the lower level Humans have different needs based on demographics



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