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1 FAO/PARIS21 REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON THE INTEGRATION OF AND ACCESS TO AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS FOR BETTER FORMULATION AND MONITORING OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT POLICIES Algers, Algeria 8-9 December 2007 Back-to-back with the 20th AFCAS AW-07-01-1 Mainstreaming Sector Statistics in the National Statistical System By Mrs Norah Madaya, UBOS

2 Challenges facing African countries Poverty Environment and natural resource degradation Poor governance Inadequate Policy formulation and monitoring to inform PRSs & MDGs Regional integration HIV/AIDS threat Gender inequality Etc...statistical challenges

3 The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information (good quality information) in the hands of many. -- Megatrends, 2000

4 Data demand Macro economic framework Social policies and programmes Poverty Reduction Strategies Governance and Democracy Millennium Development Goals Management for Development Results New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) etc

5 Data Supply The National Statistical System “ Includes all agencies, whether Government or not; under any enactment or otherwise; responsible for gathering statistical data through either surveys or administrative action” (Uganda Bureau of Statistics Act, 1998)

6 The NSS… Should have; –a relatively uniform capacity for generation and use of statistics in its constituent parts, – effective coordination and collaboration mechanisms between & within sectors –standards and shared values for data production and use –Harmonised data production and dissemination processes

7 Status of statistics & Systems in Africa Weaknesses in statistical capacity Inadequate links of statistical systems to policy Data gaps on some key demographic, socio- economic and environmental indicators Unreliability of some existing data Inadequate use of existing data Unsustainability of statistical development Duplication of effort Incomparable indicators/statistics Limited coordination & inter sectoral links Etc.

8 Partially coordinated statistical system Labour Education Culture etc Agriculture Health NSO Current Status of some NSS

9 National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics aim: “to mainstream strategic planning of statistical systems and prepare national strategies for the development of statistics (NSDSs) for all low- income countries by 2006.”

10 NSDS for What? A vehicle for streamlining statistical production and development Strategic Plan 5 W’s + H What, Why, Who, When, Where + How? Future & Mechanisms

11 Framework to strengthen statistical capacity across the entire National Statistical System It is a robust, comprehensive and coherent framework to: address data limitations prioritise the use of resources integrate statistics within national policy processes manage change envision how statistical capacity building responds to key user needs What is the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS)?

12 The NSDS Process Well-planned and highly consultative Consideration for legal, institutional and organisational constraints Assessment/Diagnosis of existing statistical production environment Builds on what already exists and is in progress, e.g. GDDS, DQAF- improvement programmes Consideration for user needs but realistic about resources Country ownership with high level political support and leadership

13 …NSDS Process Linked to development and national poverty reduction policies and strategies (such as the PRSP) as PEAP-Uganda, Mukukuta- Tanzania, PARPA-Mozambique etc. Takes into account all sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional, and international data needs. Involves all key statistical production units Assessment of the role of national statistical training institutes. Cont’d..

14 Status of NSDS in Africa Several African countries have embraced the concept. Eg. Senegal, Gambia, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Malawi etc. However at different stages and approach to design NSDSs varies. A model of best practice Mainstreaming sector statistics… to strengthen coordination, standards and quality of statistics in the NSS So?

15 Sectors: the missing link!!! Are Sectors explicitly part of the NSS? Are their Sector Strategies for the Development of Statistics (SSDS) integrated in the NSDS? What should be done? Mainstream sector statistics in the NSDS process The term sector is used here to describe a vertical division of governmental focus that relates to a given subject area or public need - usually corresponding to line ministries, government departments or agencies - with separate and well- defined areas of concern, mandate, and budget.

16 The SSDS The sector Strategy for the Development of Statistics (SSDS) should have –A medium to long term vision focused on key users’ needs –A comprehensive framework to: Mainstream statistics within sector policy processes Address data gaps in all sector components Manage change by introducing management principles and modern standards and values Prioritize use of resources Ensure standards and quality in data

17 SSDS Process The Process is an opportunity for : Advocacy Securing buy-in of key stakeholders (political leaders, decision-makers, development partners) Ownership (empowering stakeholders) Identification of Champions Etc.  Process should be participatory and ensure consensus-building


19 Mainstreaming sector statistics Why? to make more efficient use of resources; to improve the provision of indicators; to increase the productivity of data collection and management; and to raise the public profile for statistics to make sectors active partners in statistical development.

20 Sector Strategies for the Development of Statistics are building blocks of the PE SEN Sectoral statistics are produced through the statistical system of each sector which may be functionally centralized or decentralized within the NSS. Hierarchy of Sector priorities build into the national priorities for data and information

21 NSDS DESIGN STAGES ACROSS COUNTRIES Degree of mainstreaming Type of system Implication for NSDS design Outcome of NSDS design Next steps Sectors not mainstreamed Centralized or decentralized NSO does not consult or involve sectors NSDS document that does not take account of sector strategies Conduct an integrated NSDS using this guide Sectors partially mainstreamed Decentralized NSO consults but does not involve sectors NSDS document that caters for sectors but does not include sector- owned strategies Review the NSDS document and mainstream sectoral strategies using this guide Centralized NSDS document that includes sector strategies that are not owned by the sectors Review and update the NSDS document with the sectors using this guide Some sectors fully mainstreamed Centralized or decentralized NSO consults and involves some sectors NSDS document that includes some sector- owned strategies Sequence in more sectors in repeated stages of NSDS design using this guide All sectors fully mainstreamed Centralized or decentralized NSO consults and involves all sectors NSDS document that includes sector-owned strategies Monitor and evaluate NSDS implementation

22 Sector statistics In most African countries there is, Inconsistent, informal and relatively weak linkages – between sectoral statistical systems – between sectoral statistical systems and NSOs Little appreciation of the implications of the statistical activities of one sector with respect to others.- Nutrition – Water & Sanitation, Education, Agriculture, Health etc. Mainstreaming sectoral statistical systems requires that key stakeholders using sector statistics are involved in the design & implementation of the SSDS they work with each other and with the NSO to develop shared goals and cross-cutting strategies, and streamline institutional and coordination arrangements.

23 Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V Champions and advocates of statistics MAIN FEATURES OF THE SSDS DESIGN Sector review meetings Inter Agency Meetings (Coordination committee)

24 MAIN FEATURES OF THE NSDS DESIGN Paris21 Generic Model Assessment: Where we are now Launching Action Plans: How to get there Implementation: How to stay there Vision: Where we want to be Assessment: Where we are now Launching Action Plans: How to get there Implementation: How to stay there Vision: Where we want to be

25 Key components Resources – policies, financial resources, human resources, communication, coordination & leadership Indicators – Minimum set of indicators, standards etc Data Sources- Types of data sources, and standards Data Management – data definition, flow, quality, storage and linkage Information products – User needs, analysis and presentation Dissemination and use – Infrastructure, synthesis, packaging and documentation

26 International statistics development Models WHO - Health Metric Network (HMN) Model FAO Model ILO Model UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS) Model

27 Agriculture – FAO Model Agricultural sector contributes immensely to the country’s GDP & must be measured. Why the initiative? To support countries in strengthening their food and agricultural statistics systems

28 Technical assistance in terms of; Reviewing and developing methodologies of data collection, Processing and analysis - particularly in the domains of census of agriculture and permanent systems, Elaboration of food deprivation and food insecurity indicators, food balance sheets, Data harmonization, integration and dissemination (countrySTAT) etc, and Identification of standards and promotion of good practice in other sectors. FAO Approach

29 The NSDS borrows a leaf from each of these initiatives The NSDS considers all the sectors To improve coordination, sector contact persons for all the above initiatives should be on the NSDS Inter Sector Committee THE NSDS – UNITING FACTOR

30 Labour Education Trade etc Agriculture Health NSO Fully coordinated statistical system Common institutional Procedures All embracing legal & Institutional framework Common metadata dictionary Common data quality standards Hamonised data production schedule Comprehensive dissemination Policy for the NSS Coherent Advocacy Strategy for the NSS Coherent MISs in the NSS Common Data Warehouse

31 Limited knowledge about strategic planning Securing stakeholder buy-in to the process  Limited commitment of Technical Managers  Prioritisation of statistical functions by line ministries and other government agencies  Bureaucracy  Structural placement of statistics outfits in the ministries/agencies  Budgeting  Sequencing activities of the policy making cycle with the data production cycle  Securing sustainable funding for implementation SOME CHALLENGES

32 Quick Wins Coordinated effort to enable up scaling and out scaling (vertical and horizontal growth) – Producer/Producer, and Producer/User meetings Creation/strengthening of an existing committee to operationalize the SSDS within the agreed institutional framework; Rotation of meeting venues among the sectors and participation of the NSO and sector leadership; Regular meetings of NSO leadership with the sector Chief Executives Sharing financial support for poorly resourced sectors through basket funding Installation and effective use of intranet/internet facilities to improve communication between sectors, and NSO; and Production and distribution of a NSS newsletter.

33 Thank you for your attention


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