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Guidelines for Promoting Sustainability and Institutionalization of Civic Education Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidelines for Promoting Sustainability and Institutionalization of Civic Education Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidelines for Promoting Sustainability and Institutionalization of Civic Education Programs

2 How can we make a long-term impact?

3 The Goal  Institutionalization of comprehensive civic education programs in a nation’s schools that fosters the development of a political culture supportive of human rights and democracy

4 Means to Attain the Goal  Initiate exemplary programs  Demonstrate their effectiveness  Build a critical mass of educators, civil society actors, and government officials to support implementation  Develop and implement a comprehensive indigenous program

5 Developing support for institutionalization  Determine where decision-making power lies (centralized/decentralized)  Identify “gatekeepers”  Identify potential “champions”  Develop ways to influence gatekeepers directly and indirectly  Foster government and/or NGO capacity to administer the program

6 Specific Steps to Gain Support from Gatekeepers and Champions  Locating pilot programs in schools with which gatekeepers are affiliated  Asking gatekeepers to observe and/or take part in the program (judges, etc.)  Locating programs in areas where there are parents who might become champions  Media coverage of gatekeeper involvement

7 Specific Steps to Gain Support from Gatekeepers and Champions (continued)  Bringing gatekeepers to the US or to the World Congress  Taking gatekeepers to other nations to observe the program  Inviting gatekeepers to regional meetings  Bringing delegations from other nations to meet with gatekeepers or provide technical assistance

8 Ways to foster government and/or NGO capacity to administer the program  Promote the adoption of legislation mandating the program and providing the resources necessary for implementation  Develop a grassroots network  Develop a coalition of supportive public and private sector agencies  Develop the capacity of an NGO to sustain the implementation of the program

9 Elements of a comprehensive indigenous civic education program  Standards  Curriculum framework  Required courses  Curricular materials  Teacher education  Leadership and network training  Assessment  Credentialing

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