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A-B-C... Buddhist Jobs! Which of the following might produce the best / worst kamma? –TEACHER –FARMER –SOLDIER –ACTOR –MUSICIAN –DOCTOR –LAWYER –PET SHOP.

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Presentation on theme: "A-B-C... Buddhist Jobs! Which of the following might produce the best / worst kamma? –TEACHER –FARMER –SOLDIER –ACTOR –MUSICIAN –DOCTOR –LAWYER –PET SHOP."— Presentation transcript:

1 A-B-C... Buddhist Jobs! Which of the following might produce the best / worst kamma? –TEACHER –FARMER –SOLDIER –ACTOR –MUSICIAN –DOCTOR –LAWYER –PET SHOP OWNER –LANDLORD

2 Dhammapada Quotes a)Human Condition b)The Goals

3 THE MEANS (6) Which practices help to achieve the goals? Human beings progress towards Enlightenment by following the Eightfold Path.

4 K EY Q UESTION What does a Buddhist actually do to attain nirvana?

5 The Noble Eightfold Path — focus on Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood; the Threefold Way. Ethics — the Five Precepts in principle and practice; the Bodhisattva and Arhat ideals. Meditation and worship — purpose and practice. (The differences in Theravada and Mahayana practice should be addressed). T HE M EANS (6)

6 To achieve the goal of enlightenment, Buddhists first take refuge in the 3 Jewels : Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. Following this, the way in which Buddhists live their lives is all important. THE MEANS (6) INTRODUCTION

7 This ties in to the 4 Noble Truths: 1. All life is suffering. 2. Suffering is caused by craving. 3. Suffering can end. 4. You can end suffering by following the middle way. It is the practical way the Buddha described to escape samsara & avoid dukkha. Based on avoiding extremes ( magga ).

8 SMB Definition What is WISDOM?

9 SMB Definition What is MORALITY?

10 I am more moral than I am wise.

11 SMB Definition What is MEDITATION?

12 T HE THREEFOLD WAY Linking thoughts and actions. Wisdom Putting beliefs into action. Morality Training mind to have correct thoughts & beliefs. Meditation

13 T HE N OBLE E IGHTFOLD P ATH Right View Right Intention Wisdom Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood Morality Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration Meditation These are not to be seen in isolation.


15 Think of a time when your intentions had been good but things didn’t work out like you had planned…

16 WISDOM: R IGHT INTENTION All about the motivation for an action, not the consequences... to avoid choices influenced by the 3 Root Poisons. Skilful ( kusala ) intentions are ones which: Resist selfish desire Show good will Act on that good will Are compassionate

17 Vote with your feet I am a compassionate person. If you don’t know who would be able to tell you?

18 When was the last time you hurt someone with your words?

19 Buddha taught to avoid: False speech (lying) Using words as weapons against others e.g. backstabbing and slander Impolite & rude words, gossip, chatter and ‘empty words’ which waste time and misuse the power of speech MORALITY: R IGHT SPEECH

20 When was the last time you hurt someone with your actions?

21 The Buddha encouraged honourable and honest conduct and taught you should avoid: Harming living things (link with compassion) Taking what is not given (stealing) Sexual misconduct Gambling MORALITY: R IGHT ACTION

22 Living in a skilful way: honestly, legally and peacefully, while causing no harm. Avoid: Working in weapons Buying and selling living beings Working with death (meat industry) Working with poisons and intoxicants Most importantly is that you choose a profession that does not break any of the Five Precepts. MORALITY: R IGHT LIVELIHOOD

23 What kind of career would you like to have in the future? What might a Buddhist feel about this livelihood?

24 precept noun A general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought. "the legal precept of being innocent until proven guilty"

25 If you had to come up with 5 Precepts what would they be?

26 1. Do not take life 2. Do not take what is not given 3. Do not distort fact 4. Refrain from misuse of the senses 5. Refrain from self-intoxication through alcohol or drugs THE 5 PRECEPTS from Buddhism

27 Vote with your feet The 5 Precepts are a sound basis for living a good life.

28 Number off 1-4

29 Pupil-led Plenary Summarise the learning that has went on today.

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