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Where is Social Care Heading? Wendy Balmain Great British Care Show 2 nd May 2012.

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1 Where is Social Care Heading? Wendy Balmain Great British Care Show 2 nd May 2012

2 The reform timeframe Social Care Vision __________ Nov 2010 Law Commission Report __________ May 2011 Dilnot Commission Report ___________ July 2011 Caring for our future - engagement _________ Sept - Dec 2011 Care and Support White Paper and progress report on funding __________ spring 2012 Legislation

3 In the current public spending environment, we need to make sure that we get reform right so that it is sustainable into the future. This is why we launched an engagement to discuss the key priorities for the reform of social care on 15 th September 2011. Co-led by the Government and the care and support sector, ‘Caring for our future’ brought together the recommendations from the Law Commission and the Commission on Funding of Care and Support, alongside other key areas for change. Over the period of the engagement exercise: - over 300 engagement events took place - more than 640 separate responses were submitted, in the form of letters, independent reports, feedback forms and website comments - over 14,400 people visited this website Getting reform right

4 In the latter stages of the engagement, we brought together the care and support sector discussion leaders and their expert reference groups to share and test the emerging findings in each workstream, including funding reform. Following these discussions, our co-leads met with the Secretary of State for Health, Andrew Lansley, and Minister for Care Services, Paul Burstow, to present their findings. They told us what they wanted to achieve in a reformed social care system: ‘Our vision is for a re-engineered care and support system - from a crisis service to a wellbeing service that enables people to live fulfilling and independent lives. This means shifting resources across the health and care system, leaving silo mentalities behind to change the demand curve for social care. It requires new partnerships, which share responsibility and take a whole system approach based on empowerment and outcomes’. Identifying priorities

5 What did we hear? (1/2) We heard that collectively we should: Share responsibility for improving the system Shift the emphasis to an approach which focuses on building individual and community assets Empower people with choice and control through a universal offer for information, advice and care navigation for citizens balancing national and local information Re-balance the social care market to encourage innovative and preventative action Develop integrated and transformational leadership underpinned by a quality workforce

6 What did we hear? (2/2) Strengthen the social care quality framework and build a system based on quality not cost Develop shared outcomes measures, based on user/carer experience Pilot direct payments in residential care Mainstream housing and planning into care planning Strike an appropriate regulatory environment for financial products

7 Key themes of the NHS reforms 7 More choice over treatment, provider and clinical team, including choice of Any Qualified Provider Shared decision-making the norm: ‘no decision about me without me’ Creation of HealthWatch, a new consumer champion to support and represent health service users Improved integration of health and social care eg. Health and Wellbeing Boards Localism; local decision-making, local commissioning and greater consumer involvement

8 Focus on outcomes Improved healthcare outcomes Social care, public health and NHS outcomes framework NICE quality standards Clinically-led commissioning Legal duties Payment mechanisms; CQUIN, QOF, tariff Commissioning outcomes framework Quality outcomes for people with dementia Dementia Commissioning Pack Dementia CQUIN targets

9 What can you do? Recognise the scale of the challenge Think Quality and Dignity and People Collaborate like never before – think Collective Purpose Be prepared- what do you do well and what can you do better Keep up to date with national and local developments

10 Thank you for listening

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