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 To investigate how to determine the Biomass of Chestnut trees  To review hypovirulence in Chestnut Blight.

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Presentation on theme: " To investigate how to determine the Biomass of Chestnut trees  To review hypovirulence in Chestnut Blight."— Presentation transcript:

1  To investigate how to determine the Biomass of Chestnut trees  To review hypovirulence in Chestnut Blight

2  PowerPoint reviewing PowerPoint reviewing › Treatment of Cankers › DNA marker & restriction enzymes › Chestnut tree history › Soup Lab

3  Read the above article by Dennis Fullbright and answer the questions provided  Chestnut Blight Article Chestnut  Questions for Blight Article Questions

4  Read the article in “Forest & Ecology Management” and answer the following questions:Forest & Ecology Management  What can measuring biomass tell us about Chestnut trees?  Explain the results of the study  Over the time period of a year-what will a beginning and ending biomass measurement be able to tell you about your trees?

5  The website below is the article listed on the prior page /pdf/publications/Jacobs%20et%20al.%2020 09.pdf /pdf/publications/Jacobs%20et%20al.%2020 09.pdf

6  Find and map the location of Chestnut trees to be used  Make your beginning Biomass calculations  Use the biomass equations for chestnut trees from the Yale websiteYale website

7  Identify all Chestnut trees in your area – both with & without cankers  Map the location of these trees and give each an identifier  Measure the diameter of each tree at chest height and record this data in a chart which will be attached to your map  Biomass Lab Protocol Biomass Lab Protocol

8  To be able to prepare Hypovirulent Fungal Isolates to treat Chestnut Blight Cankers

9  Review of Hypovirulence PowerPointHypovirulence PowerPoint  Read over the protocolprotocol  Gather all materials necessary  Prepare the hypovirulent soup

10  To be able to treat Chestnut tree cankers located on trees in your test area  To prepare a data sheet in order compare canker growth before and after application of the soup  To prepare a data sheet for Biomass measurement comparisons

11  Follow the protocol for treating your chestnut tress with the soupprotocol  Take before measurements of the cankers being treated  Photograph the cankers and identify the photos as to which tree they belong

12  To be able to analyze biomass data obtained throughout the year  Present data through the use of graphs  Discuss how soup application of cankers affected growth of the canker and growth of the tree in general

13  Measure Biomass of all trees  Mark in chart  Compare growth of trees throughout the year  Take pictures of treated cankers  Evaluate how the soup mixture worked  Compare growth of canker infected trees to uninfected trees

14  Write a report which › Analyzes the data you collected › Discusses the change in biomass › Discusses biomass changes in canker infected trees to uninfected trees › Discusses how the soup mixture affected the tree › Discusses any unusual differences n biomass changes of your trees

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