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6 th Grade Science Mrs. Wargaski. Course Objectives To become familiar with current Earth Science topics. To understand and appreciate our connections.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Grade Science Mrs. Wargaski. Course Objectives To become familiar with current Earth Science topics. To understand and appreciate our connections."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Grade Science Mrs. Wargaski

2 Course Objectives To become familiar with current Earth Science topics. To understand and appreciate our connections to our environment To learn and transfer appropriate study and social skills

3 Topics of Study Weather Geology Astronomy

4 Materials Science Textbook (Astronomy, Weather and Climate, or Inside the Restless Earth) Science notebook Science folder Black or Blue pen Colored pen Pencil

5 Grading You will have the following types of assignments: –Homework –Class work and Projects –Tests and Quizzes

6 Grading Scale The grading scale is the same as in math class: –90’s are A’s –80’s are B’s –70’s are C’s –60’s are D’s –and we won’t discuss anything lower than a D

7 Extra Credit Do it. Enough said.

8 Group Projects We will have several group or partner projects each quarter. These will be various activities but will required different jobs and equal participation from all group members.

9 Corrections Some assignments will be able to be corrected for a higher grade. This only applies to daily graded assignments, not group projects. Tests can be retaken for a higher grade. Just like math, this is required for D and F test scores.

10 Absences When you are absent, pick up your work from the bin in the back of the room. If you are absent for part of a group project, it will not affect your participation grade for that project. However, you will be asked to complete a corresponding small assignment to make up for the work that you missed.

11 Late Assignments There should be no late assignments. However, if there are, they will be marked down one letter grade for each day it is late.

12 We’re going to have a great year!

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