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During this lesson we will observe different types of volcanoes and there reactions Btec Science Group.

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2 During this lesson we will observe different types of volcanoes and there reactions Btec Science Group

3 The different types of volcanoes One way to describe volcanoes is in terms of activity: Some volcanoes are still active and erupt frequently. Some volcanoes are dormant (sleeping). Some volcanoes are extinct (never likely to erupt again).

4 The first type of volcano is a shield volcano An mid-ocean ridge is similar to a shield volcano in that they are low, with gently sloping sides. Shield volcanoes are formed by eruptions of thin, runny lava. An mid-ocean ridge is formed as the plates move apart the magma rises up the gap and flows out at the top. Once the magma reaches the top it starts to cool and starts to form a mid-ocean ridge. This can be observed in this first experiment. The other way of describing volcanoes is by their shape or type. There are cone volcanoes, shield volcanoes and composite volcanoes.

5 The second type of volcano is a cone volcano Cone volcanoes: These are usually found at destructive boundaries.destructive boundaries Cone volcanoes are tall and steep-sided. Cone volcanoes are formed by eruptions of thick, viscous (sticky) lava.lava The thick lava moves relatively slowly and hardens quickly to form new rock - this explains the formation of a cone shape. Eruptions tend to be violent. Observer experiment two, this shows how a cone shaped volcano would erupt

6 The final type of volcano is a composite volcano Please flow me outside to observer the final experiment Composite volcanoes:  These volcanoes are composed (made up) of alternating layers of lava and ash (other volcanoes just consist of lava).  The eruptions from these volcanoes may be a pyroclastic flow rather than a lava flow. A pyroclastic flow is a mixture of hot steam, ash, rock and dust.  A pyroclastic flow can roll down the sides of a volcano at very high speeds and with temperatures of over 400° C.

7 Just in case the final experiment does not work

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