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CS194-24 Advanced Operating Systems Structures and Implementation Lecture 8 Synchronization Continued February 19 th, 2014 Prof. John Kubiatowicz

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Presentation on theme: "CS194-24 Advanced Operating Systems Structures and Implementation Lecture 8 Synchronization Continued February 19 th, 2014 Prof. John Kubiatowicz"— Presentation transcript:

1 CS194-24 Advanced Operating Systems Structures and Implementation Lecture 8 Synchronization Continued February 19 th, 2014 Prof. John Kubiatowicz

2 Lec 8.2 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Goals for Today Synchronization (Con’t) –Locks –Semaphores –Monitors Interactive is important! Ask Questions! Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are adapted from slides ©2013

3 Lec 8.3 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Recall: Using Locks to Protect Shared Variable Consider Previous Example: Deposit(acctId, amount) { Acquire(depositlock); acct = GetAccount(actId); acct->balance += amount; StoreAccount(acct); Release(depositlock); } Locking Behavior: –Only one critical section can be running at once! »Second Acquire() before release  second thread waits –As soon as Release() occurs, another Acquire() can happen –If many threads request lock acquisition at same time: »Might get livelock, depending on what happens on Release() Result of using locks: three instructions in critical section become Atomic! (cannot be separated) Critical Section

4 Lec 8.4 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 How can we build multi-instruction atomic operations? –Scheduler gets control in two ways. »Internal: Thread does something to relinquish the CPU »External: Interrupts cause dispatcher to take CPU –On a uniprocessor, can avoid context-switching by: »Avoiding internal events (although virtual memory tricky) »Preventing external events by disabling interrupts Consequently, naïve Implementation of locks: LockAcquire { disable Ints; } LockRelease { enable Ints; } Problems with this approach: –Can’t let user do this! Consider following: LockAcquire(); While(TRUE) {;} –Real-Time system—no guarantees on timing! »Critical Sections might be arbitrarily long –What happens with I/O or other important events? »“Reactor about to meltdown. Help?” Naïve use of Interrupt Enable/Disable

5 Lec 8.5 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Implementation of Locks by Disabling Interrupts? Key idea: maintain a lock variable and impose mutual exclusion only during operations on that variable int value = FREE; Acquire() { disable interrupts; if (value == BUSY) { put thread on wait queue; Go to sleep(); // Enable interrupts? } else { value = BUSY; } enable interrupts; } Release() { disable interrupts; if (anyone on wait queue) { take thread off wait queue Place on ready queue; } else { value = FREE; } enable interrupts; }

6 Lec 8.6 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Typical Linux Interfaces Disabling and Enabling Interrupts on the Linux Kernel: local_irq_disable(); /* interrupts are disabled... */ local_irq_enable(); –These operations often single assembly instructions »The only work for local processor! »If competing with another processor, but use other form of synchronization –Dangerous if called when interrupts already disabled »Then, when you code reenables, you will change semantics Saving and restoring interrupt state first: unsigned long flags; local_irq_save(flags); // Save state /* Do whatever, including disable/enable*/ local_irq_restore(flags); // Restore State of the system in_interrupt();// In handler or bottom half in_irq();// Specifically in handler

7 Lec 8.7 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Linux Interrupt control (Con’t) No more global cli() ! –Used to be that cli()/sti() could be used to enable and disable interrupts on all processors –First deprecated (2.5), then removed (2.6) »Could serialize device drivers across all processors! »Just a bad idea –Better option? »Fine-grained spin-locks between processors (more later) »Local interrupt control for local processor Disabling specific interrupt (nestable) disable_irq(irq); // Wait current handlers disable_irq_nosync(irq); // Don’t waitcurrent handler enable_irq(irq); // Reenable line synchronize_irq(irq); // Wait for current handler –Not great for buses with multiple interrupts per line, such as PCI! More when we get into device drivers.

8 Lec 8.8 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 How to implement locks? Atomic Read-Modify-Write instructions Problem with previous solution? –Can’t let users disable interrupts! (Why?) –Doesn’t work well on multiprocessor »Disabling interrupts on all processors requires messages and would be very time consuming Alternative: atomic instruction sequences –These instructions read a value from memory and write a new value atomically –Hardware is responsible for implementing this correctly »on both uniprocessors (not too hard) »and multiprocessors (requires help from cache coherence protocol) –Unlike disabling interrupts, can be used on both uniprocessors and multiprocessors

9 Lec 8.9 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Atomic Instructions test&set (&address) { /* most architectures */ result = M[address]; M[address] = 1; return result; } swap (&address, register) { /* x86 */ temp = M[address]; M[address] = register; register = temp; } compare&swap (&address, reg1, reg2) { /* 68000 */ if (reg1 == M[address]) { M[address] = reg2; return success; } else { return failure; } } load-linked&store conditional(&address) { /* R4000, alpha */ loop: ll r1, M[address]; movi r2, 1; /* Can do arbitrary comp */ sc r2, M[address]; beqz r2, loop; }

10 Lec 8.10 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Implementing Locks with test&set: Spin Lock Another flawed, but simple solution: int value = 0; // Free Acquire() { while (test&set(value)); // while busy } Release() { value = 0; } Simple explanation: –If lock is free, test&set reads 0 and sets value=1, so lock is now busy. It returns 0 so while exits. –If lock is busy, test&set reads 1 and sets value=1 (no change). It returns 1, so while loop continues –When we set value = 0, someone else can get lock Problem: While spinning, performing writes –Lots of cache coherence data – not capitalizing on cache

11 Lec 8.11 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Better: Test&Test&Set Lock The Test&Test&Set lock: int value = 0; // Free Acquire() { while (true) { while(value); // Locked, spin with reads if (!test&set(value)) break;// Success!} Release() { value = 0; } Significant problems with Test&Test&Set? –Multiple processors spinning on same memory location »Release/Reacquire causes lots of cache invalidation traffic »No guarantees of fairness – potential livelock –Scales poorly with number of processors »Because of bus traffic, average time until some processor acquires lock grows with number of processors Busy-Waiting: thread consumes cycles while waiting

12 Lec 8.12 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Better option: Exponential backoff The Test&Test&Set lock with backoff: int value = 0; // Free Acquire() { int nfail = 0 while (true) { while(value); // Locked, spin with reads if (!test&set(value)) break;// Success! else exponentialBackoff(nfail++)} Release() { value = 0; } If someone grabs lock between when we see it free and attempt to grab it, must be contention Backoff exponentially: –Choose backoff time randomly with some distribution –Double mean time with each iteration Why does this work?

13 Lec 8.13 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Better Locks using test&set Can we build test&set locks without busy-waiting? –Can’t entirely, but can minimize! –Idea: only busy-wait to atomically check lock value Note: sleep has to be sure to reset the guard variable –Why can’t we do it just before or just after the sleep? Release() { // Short busy-wait time while (test&set(guard)); if anyone on wait queue { take thread off wait queue Place on ready queue; } else { value = FREE; } guard = 0; int guard = 0; int value = FREE; Acquire() { // Short busy-wait time while (test&set(guard)); if (value == BUSY) { put thread on wait queue; go to sleep() & guard = 0; } else { value = BUSY; guard = 0; } }

14 Lec 8.14 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 compare&swap (&address, reg1, reg2) { /* 68000 */ if (reg1 == M[address]) { M[address] = reg2; return success; } else { return failure; } } Here is an atomic add to linked-list function: addToQueue(&object) { do {// repeat until no conflict ld r1, M[root]// Get ptr to current head st r1, M[object] // Save link in new object } until (compare&swap(&root,r1,object)); } Using of Compare&Swap for queues root next New Object

15 Lec 8.15 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Portable Atomic operations in Linux Linux provides atomic_t for declaring an atomic integer –Also, atomic64_t for declaring atomic 64-bit variant –Not necessarily same as a regular integer! »Originally on SPARC, atomic_t  only 24 of 32 bits usable Example usage: atomic_t v;/* define v */ atomic_t u = ATOMIC_INIT(0); /* define and init u=0 */ atomic_set(&v, 4);/* v=4 (atomically) */ atomic_add(2, &v);/* v = v + 2 (atomically) */ atomic_inc(&v);/* v = v + 1 (atomically) */ int final = atomic_read(&v);/* final == 7 */ Some operations (see Love, Ch 10, Table 10.1/10.2): atomic_inc()/atomic_dec()/* Atomically inc/dec */ atomic_add()/atomic_sub()/* Atomically add/sub */ int atomic_dec_and_test()/* Sub 1. True if 0 */ int atomic_inc_return()/* Add 1, return result */

16 Lec 8.16 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Portable bit operations in Linux Atomic bitwise operations operate on regular Ints. –For example, to set nr th bit, starting from addr: void set_bit(int nr, void *addr); –Atomicity ensures that bit transitions are always seen atomically – regardless of competing concurrency »When bit is set and cleared – actually reflected as stores »When two different bits set – end up with two bits set, rather than one set operation erasing result of another Some operations (see Love, Ch 10, Table 10.3): void set_bit()/* Atomically set bit */ void clear_bit()/* Atomically clear bit */ void change__bit()/* Atomically toggle bit */ int test_and_set_bit()/* set bit, return previous*/ int test_and_clear_bit()/* clear bit, return prev */ int test_and_change_bit()/* toggle bit, return prev */ int test_bit()/* Return value of bit*/

17 Lec 8.17 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Portable Spinlock constructs in Linux Linux provides lots of synchronization constructs –We will highlight them throughout the term Example: Spin Lock support: Not recursive! –Only a lock on multiprocessors: Becomes simple preemption disable/enable on uniprocessors #include DEFINE_SPINLOCK(my_lock); spin_lock(&my_lock); /* Critical section … */ spin_unlock(&my_lock); Disable interrupts and grab lock (while saving and restoring state in case interrupts already disabled): DEFINE_SPINLOCK(my_lock); unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&my_lock, flags); /* Critical section … */ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&my_lock);

18 Lec 8.18 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Locks (Mutexes) in POSIX Threads To create a mutex: #include pthread_mutex_t amutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_mutex_init(&amutex, NULL); To use it: int pthread_mutex_lock(amutex); int pthread_mutex_unlock(amutex); To deallocate a mutex int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);

19 Lec 8.19 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Mellor-Crummey-Scott Lock Another lock-free option – Mellor-Crummey Scott (MCS): public void lock() { QNode qnode = myNode.get(); = null; QNode pred = swap(tail,qnode); if (pred != null) { qnode.locked = true; = qnode; while (qnode.locked); // wait for predecessor } } tail next 1 unlocked pred 1 next 2 unlocked pred 2 locked next 3 unlocked pred 3 locked

20 Lec 8.20 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Mellor-Crummey-Scott Lock (con’t) public void unlock() { QNode qnode = myNode.get(); if ( == null) { if (compare&swap(tail,qnode,null)) return; // wait until predecessor fills in my next field while ( == null); } = false; } tail next 1 unlocked pred 1 next 2 unlocked pred 2 locked next 3 unlocked pred 3 locked

21 Lec 8.21 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Mellor-Crummey-Scott Lock (Con’t) Nice properties of MCS Lock –Never more than 2 processors spinning on one address –Completely fair – once on queue, are guaranteed to get your turn in FIFO order »Alternate release procedure doesn’t use compare&swap but doesn’t guarantee FIFO order Bad properties of MCS Lock –Takes longer (more instructions) than T&T&S if no contention –Releaser may be forced to spin in rare circumstances Hardware support? –Some proposed hardware queueing primitives such as QOLB (Queue on Lock Bit) –Not broadly available

22 Lec 8.22 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Comparison between options Lots of threads trying to: acquire(); wait for bit(); release(); Metric: Average time in critical section –Total # critical sections/total time Lesson: need something to handle high contention situations –Exponential backoff –Queue lock

23 Lec 8.23 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Reactive Locks Try to determine if you are in a high-contention or low- contention domain –Choose a protocol accordingly –Dynamic choice Why is this useful? –Because algorithms go through phases –Because different machines have different characteristics

24 Lec 8.24 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Higher-level Primitives than Locks What is the right abstraction for synchronizing threads that share memory? –Want as high a level primitive as possible Good primitives and practices important! –Since execution is not entirely sequential, really hard to find bugs, since they happen rarely –UNIX is pretty stable now, but up until about mid-80s (10 years after started), systems running UNIX would crash every week or so – concurrency bugs Synchronization is a way of coordinating multiple concurrent activities that are using shared state –This lecture and the next presents a couple of ways of structuring the sharing

25 Lec 8.25 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Recall: Semaphores Semaphores are a kind of generalized lock –First defined by Dijkstra in late 60s –Main synchronization primitive used in original UNIX Definition: a Semaphore has a non-negative integer value and supports the following two operations: –P(): an atomic operation that waits for semaphore to become positive, then decrements it by 1 »Think of this as the wait() operation –V(): an atomic operation that increments the semaphore by 1, waking up a waiting P, if any »This of this as the signal() operation –Note that P() stands for “proberen” (to test) and V() stands for “verhogen” (to increment) in Dutch

26 Lec 8.26 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Value=2Value=1Value=0 Semaphores Like Integers Except Semaphores are like integers, except –No negative values –Only operations allowed are P and V – can’t read or write value, except to set it initially –Operations must be atomic »Two P’s together can’t decrement value below zero »Similarly, thread going to sleep in P won’t miss wakeup from V – even if they both happen at same time Semaphore from railway analogy –Here is a semaphore initialized to 2 for resource control: Value=1Value=0Value=2

27 Lec 8.27 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Two Uses of Semaphores Mutual Exclusion (initial value = 1) –Also called “Binary Semaphore”. –Can be used for mutual exclusion: semaphore.P(); // Critical section goes here semaphore.V(); Scheduling Constraints (initial value = 0) –Locks are fine for mutual exclusion, but what if you want a thread to wait for something? –Example: suppose you had to implement ThreadJoin which must wait for thread to terminiate: Initial value of semaphore = 0 ThreadJoin { semaphore.P(); } ThreadFinish { semaphore.V(); }

28 Lec 8.28 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Producer-Consumer with a Bounded Buffer Problem Definition –Producer puts things into a shared buffer (wait if full) –Consumer takes them out (wait if empty) –Use a fixed-size buffer between them to avoid lockstep »Need to synchronize access to this buffer Correctness Constraints: –Consumer must wait for producer to fill buffers, if none full (scheduling constraint) –Producer must wait for consumer to empty buffers, if all full (scheduling constraint) –Only one thread can manipulate buffer queue at a time (mutual exclusion) Remember why we need mutual exclusion –Because computers are stupid General rule of thumb: Use a separate semaphore for each constraint –Semaphore fullBuffers; // consumer’s constraint –Semaphore emptyBuffers;// producer’s constraint –Semaphore mutex; // mutual exclusion

29 Lec 8.29 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Full Solution to Bounded Buffer Semaphore fullBuffer = 0; // Initially, no coke Semaphore emptyBuffers = numBuffers; // Initially, num empty slots Semaphore mutex = 1;// No one using machine Producer(item) { emptyBuffers.P();// Wait until space mutex.P();// Wait until buffer free Enqueue(item); mutex.V(); fullBuffers.V();// Tell consumers there is // more coke } Consumer() { fullBuffers.P();// Check if there’s a coke mutex.P();// Wait until machine free item = Dequeue(); mutex.V(); emptyBuffers.V();// tell producer need more return item; }

30 Lec 8.30 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Portable Semaphores in Linux Initialize general semaphore: struct semapore my_sem; sema_init(&my_sem, count);/* Initialize semaphore */ Initialize mutex (semaphore with count = 1) static DECLARE_MUTEX(my_mutex); Acquire semaphore: down_interruptible(&my_sem);// Acquire sem, sleeps with // TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE state down(&my_sem);// Acquire sem, sleeps with // TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE state down_trylock(&my_sem);// Return ≠ 0 if lock busy Release semaphore: up(&my_sem);// Release lock

31 Lec 8.31 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Portable (native) mutexes in Linux Interface optimized for mutual exclusion DEFINE_MUTEX(my_mutex);/* Static definition */ struct mutex my_mutex; mutex_init(&my_mutex);/* Dynamic mutex init */ Simple use pattern: mutex_lock(&my_mutex); /* critical section … */ mutex_unlock(&my_mutex); Constraints –Same thread that grabs lock must release it –pProcess cannot exit while holding mutex –Recursive acquisitions not allowed –Cannot use in interrupt handlers (might sleep!) Advantages –Simpler interface –Debugging support for checking usage Prefer mutexes over semaphores unless mutex really doesn’t fit your pattern!

32 Lec 8.32 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Alternative: Completion Patterns One use pattern that does not fit mutex pattern: –Start operation in another thread/hardware container –Sleep until woken by completion of event Can be implemented with semaphores –Start semaphore with count of 0 –Immediate down() – puts parent to sleep –Woken with up() More efficient: use “completions”: DEFINED_COMPLETION();/* Static definition */ struct completion my_comp; init_completion(&my_comp);/* Dynamic comp init */ One or more threads to sleep on event: wait_for_completion(&my_comp); /* put thead to sleep */ Wake up threads (can be in interrupt handler!) complete(&my_comp);

33 Lec 8.33 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Review: Definition of Monitor Semaphores are confusing because dual purpose: –Both mutual exclusion and scheduling constraints –Cleaner idea: Use locks for mutual exclusion and condition variables for scheduling constraints Monitor: a lock and zero or more condition variables for managing concurrent access to shared data –Use of Monitors is a programming paradigm Lock: provides mutual exclusion to shared data: –Always acquire before accessing shared data structure –Always release after finishing with shared data Condition Variable: a queue of threads waiting for something inside a critical section –Key idea: allow sleeping inside critical section by atomically releasing lock at time we go to sleep –Contrast to semaphores: Can’t wait inside critical section

34 Lec 8.34 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Review: Programming with Monitors Monitors represent the logic of the program –Wait if necessary –Signal when change something so any waiting threads can proceed Basic structure of monitor-based program: lock while (need to wait) { condvar.wait(); } unlock do something so no need to wait lock condvar.signal(); unlock Check and/or update state variables Wait if necessary Check and/or update state variables

35 Lec 8.35 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Readers/Writers Problem Motivation: Consider a shared database –Two classes of users: »Readers – never modify database »Writers – read and modify database –Is using a single lock on the whole database sufficient? »Like to have many readers at the same time »Only one writer at a time R R R W

36 Lec 8.36 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Basic Readers/Writers Solution Correctness Constraints: –Readers can access database when no writers –Writers can access database when no readers or writers –Only one thread manipulates state variables at a time Basic structure of a solution: –Reader() Wait until no writers Access data base Check out – wake up a waiting writer –Writer() Wait until no active readers or writers Access database Check out – wake up waiting readers or writer –State variables (Protected by a lock called “lock”): »int AR: Number of active readers; initially = 0 »int WR: Number of waiting readers; initially = 0 »int AW: Number of active writers; initially = 0 »int WW: Number of waiting writers; initially = 0 »Condition okToRead = NIL »Conditioin okToWrite = NIL

37 Lec 8.37 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Code for a Reader Reader() { // First check self into system lock.Acquire(); while ((AW + WW) > 0) {// Is it safe to read? WR++;// No. Writers exist okToRead.wait(&lock);// Sleep on cond var WR--;// No longer waiting } AR++;// Now we are active! lock.release(); // Perform actual read-only access AccessDatabase(ReadOnly); // Now, check out of system lock.Acquire(); AR--;// No longer active if (AR == 0 && WW > 0)// No other active readers okToWrite.signal();// Wake up one writer lock.Release(); }

38 Lec 8.38 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Writer() { // First check self into system lock.Acquire(); while ((AW + AR) > 0) {// Is it safe to write? WW++;// No. Active users exist okToWrite.wait(&lock);// Sleep on cond var WW--;// No longer waiting } AW++;// Now we are active! lock.release(); // Perform actual read/write access AccessDatabase(ReadWrite); // Now, check out of system lock.Acquire(); AW--;// No longer active if (WW > 0){// Give priority to writers okToWrite.signal();// Wake up one writer } else if (WR > 0) {// Otherwise, wake reader okToRead.broadcast();// Wake all readers } lock.Release(); } Code for a Writer

39 Lec 8.39 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 C-Language Support for Synchronization C language: Pretty straightforward synchronization –Just make sure you know all the code paths out of a critical section int Rtn() { lock.acquire(); … if (exception) { lock.release(); return errReturnCode; } … lock.release(); return OK; } –Watch out for setjmp / longjmp ! »Can cause a non-local jump out of procedure »In example, procedure E calls longjmp, poping stack back to procedure B »If Procedure C had lock.acquire, problem! Proc A Proc B Calls setjmp Proc C lock.acquire Proc D Proc E Calls longjmp Stack growth

40 Lec 8.40 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 C++ Language Support for Synchronization (con’t) Must catch all exceptions in critical sections –Catch exceptions, release lock, and re-throw exception: void Rtn() { lock.acquire(); try { … DoFoo(); … } catch (…) {// catch exception lock.release();// release lock throw; // re-throw the exception } lock.release(); } void DoFoo() { … if (exception) throw errException; … } –Even Better: auto_ptr facility. See C++ Spec. »Can deallocate/free lock regardless of exit method

41 Lec 8.41 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Problem: Busy-Waiting for Lock Positives for this solution –Machine can receive interrupts –User code can use this lock –Works on a multiprocessor Negatives –This is very inefficient because the busy-waiting thread will consume cycles waiting –Waiting thread may take cycles away from thread holding lock (no one wins!) –Priority Inversion: If busy-waiting thread has higher priority than thread holding lock  no progress! Priority Inversion problem with original Martian rover For semaphores and monitors, waiting thread may wait for an arbitrary length of time! –Thus even if busy-waiting was OK for locks, definitely not ok for other primitives –Exam solutions should not have busy-waiting!

42 Lec 8.42 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Busy-wait vs Blocking Busy-wait: I.e. spin lock –Keep trying to acquire lock until read –Very low latency/processor overhead! –Very high system overhead! »Causing stress on network while spinning »Processor is not doing anything else useful Blocking: –If can’t acquire lock, deschedule process (I.e. unload state) –Higher latency/processor overhead (1000s of cycles?) »Takes time to unload/restart task »Notification mechanism needed –Low system overheadd »No stress on network »Processor does something useful Hybrid: –Spin for a while, then block –2-competitive: spin until have waited blocking time

43 Lec 8.43 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 What about barriers? Barrier – global (/coordinated) synchronization –simple use of barriers -- all threads hit the same one work_on_my_subgrid(); barrier(); read_neighboring_values(); barrier(); –barriers are not provided in all thread libraries How to implement barrier? –Global counter representing number of threads still waiting to arrive and parity representing phase »Initialize counter to zero, set parity variable to “even” »Each thread that enters saves parity variable and Atomically increments counter if even Atomically decrements counter if odd »If counter not at extreme value spin until parity changes i.e. Num threads if “even” or zero if “odd” »Else, flip parity, exit barrier –Better for large numbers of processors – implement atomic counter via combining tree

44 Lec 8.44 2/19/14Kubiatowicz CS194-24 ©UCB Fall 2014 Summary (Synchronization) Important concept: Atomic Operations –An operation that runs to completion or not at all –These are the primitives on which to construct various synchronization primitives Talked about hardware atomicity primitives: –Disabling of Interrupts, test&set, swap, comp&swap, load-linked/store conditional Showed several constructions of Locks –Must be very careful not to waste/tie up machine resources »Shouldn’t disable interrupts for long »Shouldn’t spin wait for long –Key idea: Separate lock variable, use hardware mechanisms to protect modifications of that variable Talked about Semaphores, Monitors, and Condition Variables –Higher level constructs that are harder to “screw up”

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